Sherri Shepherd went off on all the female celebrities who are walking the Red carpet with their nipples and vajayjays showing on her talk show Sherri today. And all I can say is, “Amen!”
Women need to do better because they are influencing the next generations. You are either teaching young girls to show off their bodies or making them feel even more uncomfortable in them. The latter is more likely the case.
Leave something to the imagination.
And what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Let’s see men’s penises then. Fat ass, disgusting, slob Kanye West makes his wife show everything, yet he wears oversized sweats. Not that I want to see his little dick, but why are the women always naked and men are covered up. Free the peepee!!!
On that note, I think we are seeing more male frontal nudity on the screen because we don’t have to go to the movies to see a naked female celebrity anymore.
Last week on The Daily Show, Jon Stewart was going off on a DOGE tirade, and he smashed his ceramic coffee cup on the desk. What happens when you smash glass on a desk? It smashes into a lot of pieces. That is what happened, and the host cut his hand. He really did a number on his fingers that he had to hide his bloodied hand under the desk for the rest of the segment.
Due to his on-air injury, his bosses at Paramount and Viacom met this week and said he is no longer allowed to have ceramic when he is recording the show. Therefore, yesterday, he debuted his plastic sippy cup. There is no way he can cut himself with that thing.
Talking about sippy cups, I hope he has one for Elon Musk when the big baby appears on his program. That is if Musk is man enough to accept Stewart’s offer. And we know that the man who is ruining this country never backs down from a fight, just like when he fought Mark Zuckerberg in a cage match. Whoops, that never happened because he wimped out.
Amazing how tough people like him sound behind a computer. In person, they are cowards who are easily scared.
They left their international house and went to the Santa Monica Pier to get themselves in the Guinness Book of World Records. They wanted to get the title of Most Pancakes in an Eight-Hour period.
The pancake giant set a goal of serving 20,000 pancakes between 9a-5p. They not only reached that goal, but they exceeded it. By the end of the day, they handed out 25,629 pancakes to break the record.
I am sure every person who cooked those flapjacks will never want cook or see one ever again.
While they will not want to see any more pancakes, IHOP is hoping you do. Because from 7a-8p today, patrons will get a free buttermilk short stack.
IHOP was not the only winner on Saturday; they donated $1 to Feeding America for every pancake that was served. That means the Los Angeles Regional Food Bank will have an extra $25,629 to serve the people who need their service. In the words of Charlie Sheen, “Winning!””