Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Lisa Whelchel has West Nile Virus
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[ # ] Lisa Whelchel has West Nile Virus
November 14th, 2012 under Sick Bay, The Facts of Life

A lot of us know Lisa Whelchel from The Facts of Life, but a whole new group of people are getting to know her as a contestant on Survivor this season. Well now the actress turned reality competition contestant took to Facebook yesterday to announce that she has West Nile Virus. All Blair Warner said was “Dr. just called with blood test results…I have West Nile. Ugh. I’m fine, just tired. Takes a year to recover. :(” At this time it is unclear if he she got it when she was in the Philippines shooting the CBS show or if she got it in her native Texas, the latter making more sense. But we are all hoping that she will recover quicker than her expected time because I know I for one love having her back on our televisions every week. You know one of the networks needs to cast her on another sitcom ASAP. Or how about we bring back The Facts of Life for a whole new generation? What else is the cast doing?
BTW Lisa is still a contestant on Survivor, so make sure to watch her tonight at 8p on the show. Who knew Lisa was nothing like her famous character? I mean Blair would’ve been out the second she found out there were no showers, but Lisa is still is going strong!


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