Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jimmy Kimmel staged a Kangaroo Jack surprise reunion!
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[ # ] Jimmy Kimmel staged a Kangaroo Jack surprise reunion!
April 30th, 2020 under Anthony Anderson, Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn, Jimmy Kimmel

Several shows and movies from yesteryear are staging online reunions during the coronavirus pandemic, and Jimmy Kimmel wanted to do one on his show. Therefore, last night the ABC late night host decided to have a surprise one with his guest Anthony Anderson.

Are we going to get a Hang Time reunion? Sadly, nope. It was Anderson’s second-best project, Kangaroo Jack. That is right, Kimmel arranged for Jerry O’Connell and Kangaroo Jack, himself, to surprise their co-star.

Seeing the three of them Zooming together, proves that we desperately need a sequel to the 2003 comedy.

Although, I would prefer that O’Connell did one for Joe’s Apartment first. Sorry Anthony, but it was even more of a high-larious film.


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