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BTWF roles: Melissa McCarthy and Octavia Spencer on Al TV
January 27th, 2012 under Before They Were Famous, Melissa McCarthy, Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

Before Melissa McCarthy and Octavia Spencer were competing for the Best Supporting Actress Oscar, they were both part of an Ask Al segment. Melissa who was 29 and Octavia who was 27 look the same now as they did in that 1999 TV special. Isn’t it great that the two Oscar nominees whose nominated roles dealt with funny sh!t scenes, both got their start in a Weird Al bit?
BTW when Weird Al Yankovic posted that video he though that only The Help actress was in, but when his fans watched it they let him know that the Bridesmaids star was in it too.


Three rockers with great hair Come Together for a rockin’ jam!
January 2nd, 2012 under Aerosmith, Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

Forget Dick Clark’s New Year’s Rockin’ Eve, the real Rockin’ Eve happened in Hawaii. Steven Tyler, Weird Al Yankovic and Alice Cooper all came together on New Year’s Eve and sang a classic Beatles tune in Wailea, Maui. The three men with great hair rocked out to Come Together in a way that hasn’t been done as good as the Fab Four originally did it! Seriously seeing them jam like that I want to see them come together on a tour and play whatever songs they want. That and I want to see what else Weird Al can do with his leg. How did he do that?
On that note the Schlock rocker had this to say about their collaboration, “Teenage Me and Present-Day Me were both insanely happy to spend New Year’s Eve with these guys.” And then he added, “Every New Year’s Eve for the rest of my life is gonna suck.” And I am sure everyone who was there that night to see them jamming like that feels the same way. Sh!t if I was there that is how I would feel.
BTW I love Weird Al but seeing him with the Aerosmith singer and Cooper; it’s kind of like one of these is not like the other two. Don’t you agree?


How Weird Al Yankovic came up with Like a Surgeon?
October 25th, 2011 under How I Met Your Mother, Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday’s How I Met Your Mother on CBS was all about Weird Al Yankovic! Ted was a big fan and claimed that he was the inspiration for his 1985 hit Like a Surgeon. Well at the end of the show, you find out the truth with a flash back to past when Weird Al had shorter and fuller curly hair with bangs and a mustache that Tom Selleck envied.
There is only one problem with the show’s truth…it was truth reworked as a writers White & Nerdy fantasy. You see, yes the inspiration came from another person, but that person was the singer of Like a Virgin, Madonna herself, in a round about way! According to a Weird Al FAQ page here is what happened:

Madonna had just released her song, “Like a Virgin” and was walking down some street in New York when she questioned out loud, “I wonder when ‘Weird Al’ is gonna do ‘Like a Surgeon’.” A friend who was with her was also a friend of Al’s manager and the word got back to Al. He thought about it and said “Hey, that’s not bad! Mayybe I’ll do it.” This is the only case in which Al has created a parody based on a suggestion. Just to re-state, Al does NOT take suggestions for song ideas, unless you are Madonna, and it’s a decent suggestion.

Forgetting the truth, it was nice to Weird Al as he used to be in the funniest moment of the CBS sitcom all season!
And for you Weird Al fans like me, here is Like a Surgeon…the song that was inspired by Ted Mosby!!!


Will you see Weird Al’s Polka Face on Dancing with the Stars?
October 13th, 2011 under Dancing with the Stars, Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: none ]

I gave up Dancing with the Stars this season because there was no one for me to root for this season, but if someone like Weird Al Yankovic brought his Polka style to the show I would’ve watched. But can anyone see him doing that? Well Billboard Magazine thinks he would be good on the show and asked him if he would do it. Here is what he said, “They asked me, and I said no. It’s not my thing, you know? It wouldn’t be a pleasant experience for me. I’m frankly not a big fan of reality TV — I know there’s a zillion people who watch the show, and it would probably be ‘good for my career,’ but I don’t know, it’s just not my thing.” Too bad because I bet he would’ve one because the curly haired singer can really move.
BTW if there is any reality show I could see him on, it would be Celebrity Apprentice. Hey Donald Trump, you should give him a call and maybe he will donate some hair to your cause!


Weird Al Yankovic brings the mustache back!!!
September 10th, 2011 under Weird Al Yankovic. [ Comments: 1 ]

For years Weird Al Yankovic has been without his signature mustache, and now the schlock rock singer has grown it back! No idea why he did it, but I am glad that he did because I never got used to him without it!!!


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