Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Waze
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Waze wants to tell you dad jokes
July 6th, 2023 under Waze. [ Comments: none ]

Are you like me and get bored when you drive? Don’t you wish there was someone there to tell you dad jokes? Well, now there is because Waze is giving you just that.

That’s right! They added a dad voice to Waze Voices, who tells his bad jokes. And you can add the station wagon icon to your map. This way, when people are driving nearby you who are using the GPS app, they will know there is a dad on board. Or, in my case, a blowup Buddy doll from Elf!


Want to go for a ride with the Jonas Brothers?
May 5th, 2023 under Jonas Brothers, Waze. [ Comments: none ]

The Jonas Brothers have a new album out today and are doing everything they can to promote it. Like stopping at every Waffle House that they see on the road during their tour and singing their hit tune. What is it called again? Oh yeah, Waffle House.

OK, that is a lie. However, the voices on the navigation app their tour bus driver is using are going to sound familiar to them. That is because Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas partnered with Waze to give us directions to where we want to go.

So, forget the fake Boyband voice, and use the real one. Can we still consider Jonas Brothers a boy band because they are so old?

Don’t tell Boy George, but I switched up his voice on Waze for the trios.


Jimmy Fallon reveals the Boy Band behind the Waze voice
March 27th, 2023 under Fall Out Boy/ Ashlee Simpson, Jimmy Fallon, Waze. [ Comments: none ]

If you are like me, then you have played around with the different voices on Waze. And you have discovered the Boy Band voice option that is creepier than Pennywise, Jigsaw, Ghostface, and the Burger King combined.

Have you ever wondered what they look like? Well, Jimmy Fallon had them perform on The Tonight Show on Friday. It is surprising how normal they appear to be. They won’t haunt my nightmares like their voice.

And now the world is a less scary place.

Oh, and I watched this video to see Fall Out Boy do an all-cluck version of Sugar, We’re Goin’ Down dressed as chickens. But the Waze reveal was so much more brilliant.

Seriously, the whole Audience Suggestion Box segment was really good. So sit back and watch it because we all need to laugh.


Want to drive with Christina Aguilera?
March 10th, 2022 under Christina Aguilera, Waze. [ Comments: none ]

Due to gas prices rising higher than the octaves that Christina Aguilera can hit, we really don’t want to get lost or stuck in traffic. Thankfully, we have Waze to help us out.

However, listening to Boy Band give me directions during this time makes whatever little time I spend in the car not as enjoyable. How can my travels be something to sing about? I know Waze can add X-tina’s voice to the list of those who tell me where to go.

Oh, they did that!?! Now, I can be a fighter while I am the driver. So don’t cut off this Genie in the Bottle because things will get Dirrty.


Boy George tells himself where to go
June 9th, 2021 under Boy George, Waze. [ Comments: none ]

Waze teamed up with Boy George to be one of their voices for Pride month.

As soon as the Culture Club singer got a chance, he got in his car to hear himself give him directions. How did he react? The cutest I have ever seen him be. Then again, who wouldn’t have that reaction if they heard themselves on their GPS?


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