Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Want to go for a ride with the Jonas Brothers?
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[ # ] Want to go for a ride with the Jonas Brothers?
May 5th, 2023 under Jonas Brothers, Waze

The Jonas Brothers have a new album out today and are doing everything they can to promote it. Like stopping at every Waffle House that they see on the road during their tour and singing their hit tune. What is it called again? Oh yeah, Waffle House.

OK, that is a lie. However, the voices on the navigation app their tour bus driver is using are going to sound familiar to them. That is because Kevin, Joe, and Nick Jonas partnered with Waze to give us directions to where we want to go.

So, forget the fake Boyband voice, and use the real one. Can we still consider Jonas Brothers a boy band because they are so old?

Don’t tell Boy George, but I switched up his voice on Waze for the trios.


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