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Snooki is having her son circumcised so he can get laid
July 20th, 2012 under Jimmy Kimmel, Snooki, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: 15 ]

Snooki was on Jimmy Kimmel Live yesterday and the host asked her if she plans on having her son circumcised when he is born. She said, “I definitely want him circumcised because then I feel he won’t get laid. The Jersey Shorer then added, “I want him to have a normal pen!s.” Only Snooki would think of her son’s future sex ability before he even leaves her womb. But you know what she is right and smart to do it because us girls like 10% off of everything.
Another thing she was smart about is now that she has stopped drinking, she realizes why people are so annoyed with her. Hopefully she will remember that after she has her son with a normal looking pen!s.
And Kimmel wants that baby to look normal in her world, so he got the baby a Fisher Price GTL set. I can’t wait to get that for my friends’ kid.


Remember when the V in VH1 stood for videos and not vaginal rejuvenation?
June 28th, 2012 under VH1/MTV. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 16:30 in)

So yesterday VH1 has a show called Hollywood Exes that stars the ex-wives of Jessica Canseco, Mayte Garcia, Nicole Murpy, Andrea Kelly and Sheree Fletcher. Well in the yesterday’s episode Jose Canseco’s ex went to a spa and got her vajayjay tightened for the cameras as Eddie Murphy’s ex watched. I mean she actually watched as her ho-ha and a$$ was being tightened. Seriously, WTF do you say to that? Well I guess you can say nothing and I do mean nothing is sacred any more on TV.
Dear VH1, I implore to you show music videos again and not reality shows with no names or neverbeens. Thanks!
xoxo Michael…I think.


Snooki is making Jersey Shore for the next generation of Jersey Shore
February 29th, 2012 under Snooki, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: none ]

Snooki is in the process of a spinoff that will debut in six months. According to The New York Post her boyfriend Jionni LaValle and her expecting a baby. I guess all that amush-smushing finally paid off for her.
I wonder how old her baby will be before they are taller that her? Three maybe four?


Jerry Springer is a sexy man
February 8th, 2012 under Jerry Springer, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: none ]

Jerry Springer was on VH1’s Big Morning Buzz Live and he told Carrie Keagan that he gets confused with the previous guest and his former-Dancing with the Stars competitor Mario Lopez. He said when he takes off his shirt, you can’t tell the two apart, so the former-Mayor went shirtless. You know what for 67 year old man, he has a really good chest. I wouldn’t say no.


Snooki’s real face
January 19th, 2012 under No makeup, Snooki, VH1/MTV. [ Comments: 12 ]

Snooki let us see a part of her we have never seen nude before…her face. You know what, the Jersey Shore star looks so much better without makeup I wish she wouldn’t put it on again. She actually looks her age and someone you want to get to know, unlike the person we have gotten to know on the MTV show.


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