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Stop, collaborate, and listen; Vanilla Ice is running for president in 2028
November 7th, 2024 under Vanilla Ice. [ Comments: none ]

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It is not even 48 hours after the election, and Vanilla Ice has thrown his hat into the presidential race.

The singer said that he would make America the ’90s again and he would also add a bunch of holidays to the calendar, like Go Ninja, Go Monday.

Then he had a message I can get behind, “I just want to say, ‘Don’t take everything in life too serious. Shake a hand, make a friend. Democrat, Republican, whatever it is, we are all American. So get out there and enjoy the pursuit of happiness. Don’t ever forget that word, pursuit. Pursue yourself some happiness.'”

And the best part for him is that his slogan is, If there is a problem, you know I’ll solve it.

He totally has my vote. That is unless The Rock also runs. Then, I am in trouble because I knew both of those guys in Miami and would not know who to vote for. Maybe the ticket could be The Rock and  Vanilla Ice or Dwayne Johnson and Rob Van Winkle. Then my decision is easy!


Has Vanilla Ice hit hard times?
February 8th, 2022 under Hard times, Vanilla Ice. [ Comments: none ]

Vanilla Ice was seen helping customers at Bob’s Discount Furniture. So is the Rapper turned HGTV star having money problems? Nope, because he got paid to do this commercial which shows off his funny side. Therefore, he is laughing all the way to the bank with the ice ice baby!


Are Gordon Ramsay’s dance moves as cool as Ice, Ice Baby?
December 16th, 2020 under Gordon Ramsay, Vanilla Ice. [ Comments: none ]

Gordon Ramsay, Gino D’Acampo, and Fred Sirieix have a Christmas special on ITV tonight. In order to promote it, the MasterChef of Hell’s Kitchen shared this behind the scenes video of them dancing to Vanilla Ice’s Ice, Ice Baby.

How did they do? I would pay for Vanilla Ice to do a duet with this video and critique their dance moves on TikTok. Just like what Ramsay does to all of those aspiring chefs.

Please, Rob, do it. It is something we all need. And on January 5th, we are all going to need more of Italian chef Gino D’Acampo once America discovers him in Gordon Ramsay’s American Road Trip on Fox. I promise you; you are going to love as much as I do. I think I might love him even more than Ramsay, but don’t tell.


Rob Van Winkle + ice = Vanilla Ice
November 18th, 2020 under Vanilla Ice. [ Comments: none ]

Vanilla Ice was born Rob Van Winkle, but we know him by his stage name. That name has become a big part of him. Therefore, he said, “When you walk past a cart of ice and you feel some sort of connection. Perfect photo prop. #IceIceBaby”

Too bad he didn’t have his daughter with him because then we could have gotten Ice Ice Baby. Ding, ding, ding, ding, dada, ding, ding. Too cold?


What do Twinsthenewtrend think of Vanilla Ice’s Ice Ice Baby?
August 18th, 2020 under Vanilla Ice. [ Comments: none ]

Tim and Fred Williams, aka Twinsthenewtrend, you know the twins whose minds were blown when they watched Phil Collins’ In the Air Tonight for the first time. Would their minds be just as blown when their ears got their cherries popped to Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice? I will warn you, their heads went boom. However, our minds are even more blown by that.

Remember the first time you heard the song, and you didn’t know all the controversy behind it, and you were like wow this really got me rolling in my 5.0. Same for them. They have no idea that the melody is a lot like Queen’s Under Pressure with David Bowie because they have not heard that single for the first time. Which is interesting because they are in love with Freddie Mercury’s voice and Queen’s music.

So you know how you thought that Rob Van Winkle’s voice was that of a black man? Then you did a doubletake when you realized he called himself Vanilla because he is vanilla white? The music reviewers did the same thing.

They also have no problem admitting that the 1990 tune is a dope melody. I want to see their reaction when they learn all about Vanilla Ice. I love him because I did six years in Miami, and that was our jam at bars and in our cars on A1A/Beachfront Ave. Yet, I know he is an acquired taste, unlike vanilla. Who else besides Christain Grey is not a fan of vanilla?

When it comes to the twins, I would love to see them do The Police’s Be My Gal, Sally. If you never heard it, which chances are is the case, do it today. You will be thanking me! What do you want to see them rock out to next?

UPDATE: They finally got to hear Queen and David Bowie’s Under Pressure. Want to see how they felt about it, then click here!


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