Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Usher
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Caption Usher and Octavia Spencer!
January 28th, 2015 under Ellen DeGeneres, Usher. [ Comments: none ]

Usher and Octavia Spencer played Heads Up on The Ellen DeGeneres Show today and this picture from the game has Caption Me written all over it. Go ahead and do it.


The Dancing Usher vs the Kid take 2!
December 4th, 2013 under Jimmy Kimmel, Usher. [ Comments: none ]

On November 19th, Detroit was rocked when a cute little kid, with dance moves to die for, was in a Dance-Off during a Pistons game with one of the ushers and it was all caught on the Dance-Cam. Well Jimmy Kimmel Live flew Antoine Alexander (kid) and Shannon Sails (usher) out to his Hollywood studios for round 2 and what we got is something that is sure to bring a smile to your face. I know it did to mine. Especially when Guillermo got into the mix!
I love these two so much that I wish someone would give them a dancing show. I could watch them battle it out for hours on end.
BTW if you missed the original Dance-Cam video, you can watch it below.


BTWF talent shows: Usher
May 20th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, The Voice, Usher. [ Comments: none ]

via The Tonight Show
Before Usher was a coach on The X Factor, he was contestant in a talent show. How awwwdorable was the 13 year back in 1992?


What is Usher trying to tell us with his mic?
May 7th, 2013 under Bad Photos Good People, The Voice, Usher. [ Comments: none ]

Fame Flynet
Usher was filming a segment for Extra yesterday and I think he was trying to give his pen!s a Voice.
Actually what do you think is going on in that photo because it looks like he’s doing something he normally does in the privacy of his own bed all by himself!


Justin Bieber the Usher!
February 17th, 2011 under Justin Bieber, Usher. [ Comments: 4 ]

Justin Bieber is in London for the premiere of his movie Never Say Never and looks like he had to work for it. Is the 16 year old who has more money than you and I can ever dream of, finally doing something normal teens do and take a job at movie theater? I don’t know, but I think he is taking having Usher as a mentor a literal. I know he wants to be like him, but being a movie usher won’t make that happen.


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