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What shocking thing do Kim Kardashian and Honey Boo Boo’s uncle have in common?
March 13th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Honey Boo Boo, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Even though Halloween was almost 6 months ago, they are celebrating it tonight on TLC’s Here Comes Honey Boo Boo at 9p. Uncle Poodle and the girls went dressed up as the Kardashians and the only man in the group went as Kim. When he was asked what he has in common with the woman he dressed up as, he said, “The only thing me and Kim Kardashian have in common, we have to tuck our balls.” And that is why we all love Uncle Poodle!


Outrageous 911 gets even more outrageous tonight!
January 25th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Outrageous 911 is back on TLC tonight at 9p and you don’t want to miss the crazy reasons why people call 911.
During tonight’s episode a woman will call to have a police officer come to her house to open up the beer bottles she can’t. That isn’t the only alcohol related call because a drunk guy calls 911 to take him to a liquor store. Believe it or not a sober woman calls 911 trying to get the cute officer, who just came to her house, to come back. While she needs a man, a woman who has one, calls 911 after she slaps her husband because he wouldn’t have sex with her. Another husband has the cops called on him by his toddler, who saw him vacuuming up his Christmas gift; and he wants the cops to have his dad put on Santa’s naughty list. He isn’t the only kid to dial 911, when a little girl comes home from school and her mom isn’t there, she gets in her mom’s car to look for her. After the 5 year old quickly crashes the car into the neighbor’s trash (and is OK), she calls them to help find her mom who ran to pay a bill.
These are just a few of the outrageous calls you don’t want to miss tonight, so make sure to tune in to TLC to see them all.
BTW don’t call 911 for any outrageous reasons because some of the people on tonight’s episode were arrested for doing so.


Toby paid $100,000 to look like Justin Bieber!
January 24th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: 1 ]

We all know that the girls love Justin Bieber and his baby face, so why wouldn’t a guy want to look like him? Well when Toby saw him, he got “jealous of his good looks.” So the now 33 year old has spent over $100,000 to look like the teen idol. Something his friends and family are begging him to stop doing before it is too late.
Will he never say never or will he believe he has had enough? Tune in to Wednesday’s season finale of My Strange Addiction at 10p on TLC, to find out the answer and to learn more about him and what he has done to achieve that look.
BTW do you belieb he looks like The Beebs?


See the woman whose humongous boobs glow in the dark!
January 8th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Lacey WiLdd has really big boobs and she wants them to be even bigger. So far the mother of 6 has spent over $250,000 to have at least 30 procedures to create the body she has now. Her MMM breasts are so special that they glow in the dark if you shine a flashlight on them. After watching this clip, I have decided to get a breast reduction because that just scared the sh!t of them and me.
Now back to Wildd, she wants to go even bigger than the cup size she has now. To find out how much bigger she wants to get, tune into My Strange Addiction on TLC tonight at 9p.


MythBusters takes on Star Wars tonight!
January 4th, 2014 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+. [ Comments: none ]

Ever wonder if some of the biggest stunts in Star Wars could really be done? Well tonight at 8p you will discover the truth on Discovery’s MythBusters.
Adam and Jamie will find out if Luke could really swing himself and Princess Leia across the chasm to escape the Stormtroopers. Did I mention that Sophia Bush plays your teenage dream girl aka Luke’s sister? Kari and Tory will also test to see if the Ewoks could really take down Darth Vader’s truck with two humongous logs. Finally Grant Imahara sets out to see if Luke would really survive the cold on Hoth in a Tauntaun.
The supersized season premiere is a lot of fun and must watch, but not to attempt, episode for any Star Wars fan.
To make this episode even more special Jamie and Adam are answering your questions during the show at MythBusters Live. So check it out for special guests, behind the scenes information and the chance to win some really cool prizes.


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