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Castle Rock’s trailer has the most accurate tagline!
October 8th, 2017 under Hulu, Stephen King. [ Comments: none ]
Hulu just released the first look at Stephen King’s series based on his beloved characters all living in one town, Castle Rock.

In the trailer, I saw references to The Green Mile, It, Cujo, Christine and Carrie, but the latter one is only because it was Carrie herself, Sissy Spacek. Anyways when a voice is finally heard in the promo, it says, “You have no idea what is happening here. Do you?” I was like you totally read my mind because I have absolutely no idea what is happening here. Yet, I cannot wait to see it.


Bill Skarsgård’s smile is creepier without the It makeup
September 12th, 2017 under Conan O'Brien, Stephen King. [ Comments: none ]

Bill Skarsgård is playing Pennywise in the It remake, and there is only so much scary the makeup department could make him. Some of it he needed to do himself and the most important thing was that creepy smile which is finishing touch for the frightening clown. A smile, he told Conan O’Brien, he learned from his older brother when he was just 10 years old and he would use it torture his younger brother. Seventeen years later that trick helped to land him a role that will haunt our nightmares as much as it did his little bro.

Talking about family, Bill Skarsgård looks more like Tim Curry’s (the actor who played him in the original movie) son than his own dad Stellan Skarsgård. What do you think?


Words of Wizdumb from Stephen King!
May 12th, 2017 under Stephen King, Words of Wizdumb. [ Comments: none ]

For decades, Stephen King’s words have given us nightmares, but yesterday his words of wizdumb were very sweet. The Horror novelist Tweeted, “I felt really depressed today, so I ate a whole bunch of chocolate. It cheered me up quite a lot. Chocolate seems to be the answer.” As woman, I totally agree with him. Is there anything chocolate isn’t the answer to? Bad day, eat chocolate. Messed up, give chocolate. Hungry, eat chocolate. Need to eat something healthy, down some dark chocolate. Reading a King book all alone on a dark rainy night, call someone special over and tell them to bring chocolate. Is there any thing chocolate isn’t good for? Besides our waists?


It vs It
April 1st, 2017 under Stephen King. [ Comments: none ]

Matt Skuta took the scenes from the 1990 movie It and compared them to the ones in the updated version of It.

When I saw the 2017 trailer, I had no temptation to see it because I think that CGI ruins Horror movie remakes. But now that I have seen that the newer version is loyal to the original one, I kind of want to see it.

What do you think seeing them top to bottom like that?

When it comes to Skuta, my clown mask is off to you because that was brilliant editing.


J.J. Abrams shares what it is like to watch a Horror movie with Stephen King
March 17th, 2017 under JJ Abrams, Stephen King. [ Comments: none ]
Stephen King is the Horror King, who has given us nightmares for months. While we know he scares the sh!t out of us, do Horror movies scare the sh!t out him?

J.J Abrams, who is working with King on Castle Rock for Hulu with the legendary author, told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show that he went to see the Horror movie The Descent with him back in 2005 while he was working on Lost. What was that experience like? Abrams said, “We go to see this movie and in this theater, in Maine, with Stephen King, sitting next to Stephen King, and watching a Horror movie. Which is a dream in life?” Then he continued on with the story, “Every time someone was really horribly killed, he would go, ‘That’s awesome!’ He loved it.” Then he summed it all up by saying, “It was everything going to a horror movie with Stephen King should be.”

And now we know why his books are as horrific as they are, it is because he loves it. He craves it. He thinks it is awesome! Which is just how you want to be because you can’t come up with some of the stuff that he has come up with without being like that.

When it comes to what he is like when he goes to see a Horror movie, I do that too. But unlike him, I get kicked out of the movie theater for laughing too hard at most of the death scenes. It is also why my friends won’t go see them with me anymore. I am sorry, but a good slasher movie it a comedy.


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