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Watch James Corden and 3 Super Bowl Champs nuzzle a 12′ Python!
February 12th, 2016 under James Corden, Sports figures, Super Bowl. [ Comments: none ]
Yesterday on The Late Late Show, James Corden asked the Denver Broncos’ CJ Anderson, Chris Harris Jr. and Brandon Marshall to play Nuzzle Whaaa?. The game is simple, the players are blindfolded as they rub their faces along a something unknown to guess what it is. The first item was a football helmet, the second was a Denver Omelet and the final one was 12′ Albino Python.
As soon as Harris Jr touched his face down on to the snake, he jumped back the length of the reptile. While the other two players were hesitant to touch it, the CBS late night host kept rubbing his lips all over it. That is until he found what it was, then he was in a state of shock. Which I can’t blame him because I would’ve done the same.


Who doesn’t want to have a sleepover with Tony Romo?
December 5th, 2015 under James Corden, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

James Corden is new to America, so he is trying to make friends and learn about our version of the game football. What better way to do that than to have a sleepover with Dallas Cowboy’s Tony Romo? So that is exactly what the two men did. The quarterback and the CBS Late Late Show host played games, told scary stories and so much more. It was so much fun, I wish I was invited. Mostly because I so would’ve dipped Corden’s hand in warm water. That and getting the chance to sleep next to Romo? What more can you ask for?
Romo was so naturally funny during this touchdown of a bit that I hope he considers a career in acting when he retires from his day job.


Kobe Bryant announces his retirement
November 29th, 2015 under Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]

Kobe Bryant announced today that he will end his 20 year old basketball career with The Lakers at the end of the season. The 17 time NBA All-Star’s news is shocking but not surprising because he has been hinting about this and he has been plagued by injuries over the last few years.
Even though, he will not be dribbling a ball professionally anymore, I am sure he will still be heavily involved with the game after his retirement. I bet you he will become an announcer just like Shaq and so many others.
How do you feel about his retirement?
To read his goodbye poem, then click here!


Great, Scott! OSU’s Marching Band’s tribute to Back to the Future!
November 9th, 2015 under Michael J Fox, Sports figures. [ Comments: 4 ]

Ohio State University’s Marching Band is the best one in the country, if not the world, and this Saturday they paid tribute to one of the greatest movie franchises of all the time. They marched to the beat of Back to the Future. Not only that, they lined up to generate some of the most iconic moments from the movie. They assembled to create the DeLorean, Marty McFly playing the guitar and also escaping on skateboard with the help of a pickup, and of course the clock tower with just their bodies.
There is something about watching them that just puts a huge smile on my face. How can you not watch their hard work turn into a human masterpiece and not feel good. It’s truly is outstanding what they do. So sit back and watch the almost 10 minute performance, I promise you won’t be disappointed.


I need to watch the NFL Network more often!!!
October 19th, 2015 under Celeb Oops, Sports figures. [ Comments: none ]
via FTV Live
NFL Network’s Albert Breer was interviewing Cincinnati Bengals’ Adam Jones in the locker room right after the game and the players were showering and/or changing clothes behind them. Well the cameraperson wasn’t zoomed in close enough to the reporter and the football player and you got to see a lot of naked tight ends! Who knew the post game coverage was so exciting? I know it got me excited.
Back when I was in college, I was a reporter for our radio station. I went to a spring training baseball game and got to interview the players in the locker room. As much as I tried to look up, it was very hard. Not them! Well, there was this one player, butt (pun intended) I digress. Seriously though, it is one thing to enjoy it when you watch it on TV, and another not to when you are there up close and personal. And boy were they personal with this sweet little innocent college girl!


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