Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Simon Cowell
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A Simon Cowell eye roll causes an uproar
April 18th, 2007 under American Idol 6, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]

According to Drudge Report, Fox received several phones complaining that Simon Cowell rolled his eyes when the Virginia native, Chris Robinson sent his support to the people of Virginia Tech. A Fox source told Drudge that Chris thought Simon’s eye roll was “sad and hurtful.” A Fox spokesperson told Drudge, “Look, in his defense, Simon felt Chris was cynically deflecting his criticism,” a FOX executive explained. “It was unfortunate… he clearly was unaware the camera was on him when he rolled his eyes, and he was hardly making a rude gesture to the victims.” I agree with the Fox spokesperson, that it was Simon referring to Chris saying he choose to sing nasally because that is a singing style and not about what happened at VT. Look we all know Country night is painful for Simon and although last night was not bad as year’s past, it was still bad. And when it comes to Chris’ singing I have to admit it was way too nasally for my ears and Chris’ rebuttal was a stupid one.
Also in defense of Simon after Blake Lewis performed Simon made a special note that the 3 Judges send their best wishes and support to the families of the tragedy and he understood it was a tricky week for the contestants. For those of us who watch American Idol on weekly basis we know it would not be Simon’s style to roll his eyes about such a terrible tragedy, but he would roll his eyes when a contestant says something stupid.

UPDATE: Drudge Report got this statement from Nigel Lythgoe:
“This is a sad time for everyone, so it is especially disheartening that a quick camera cutaway could have been misinterpreted. We’re sorry for any grief caused by this misunderstanding, but Simon was not reacting to Chris at that point. He had turned to speak to Paula and didn’t actually hear Chris’ final comments.”
Lythgoe continues: “Everyone at ‘AMERICAN IDOL’ feels compassion for those affected by this tragedy. We opened the show with those thoughts and Simon later expressed sincere condolences on behalf of the judges, recognizing the challenges we all face in dealing with this horrible event.”


Even Simon Cowell say this is not the best American Idol
April 13th, 2007 under American Idol 6, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]

 (photo credit Michael Becker / FOX)
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Simon Cowell has this to say about this year's American Idol contestants and the ratings decline, ''We're doing as well as we are doing with not a great cast at the moment, to be honest with you. They're not the best bunch of kids we've ever had.'' As always I agree with Simon!

David Gest is no Simon Cowell
April 8th, 2007 under David Gest, Reality International, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]

So ever since David Gest did I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here, he has been huge over in The UK for some reason. Well ITV thought they would cash in on his popularity and make him a Judge on The UK version of Grease You're The One That We Want and let's just say it is not going so well. Just because he was married to Liza Minnelli does not make him a stage casting-know-it-all and his co-Judge David Ian agrees. In fact it is so bad for David Ian he walked off during a taping and almost didn't return according to Digital Spy.  "At times I find David extremely irritating. Once during filming I just got up and walked out. I'd had enough. If I didn't have such an important role in the whole thing I wouldn't have returned. I've been exasperated with all the judges for not concentrating as much as they should. I audition people every day. I'm struggling to work out why David and Sinitta are there. He is one of the most 'different' people I've ever met. He's nice enough, but has some very strange, mad moments." I love that "different people I've ever met," what a nice way of strangest and more irritating people I've ever met. So PC, but it works.

Also according to Digital Spy, David Ian is not the only ones having problems with Gest, seems the producers have told him to tone down his act. Seems Gest is trying to be like Simon Cowell, and he is no Simon Cowell. Here are some of the things he has said to the contestants that made the producers sit down and have a talk with him.  "I've got bowel movements more exciting than your performance." and "I've a cousin who could dance better and she only has one leg!" (Who knew he was related to Heather Mills?) While I did get a chuckle at those criticisms, they are more hurtful than helpful. Hopefully his 15 minutes will be up soon because I don't want to see him on Dancing with the Stars next season.

(photo from Daily Snack


Could Simon Cowell have killed Eddie Murphy’s singing career?
January 15th, 2007 under American Idol 1-5, Eddie Murphy, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]

IT turns out that SIMON COWELL hasn’t always been the Mr Nasty of pop. In a recent interview the X Factor creator told how he has always regretted not speaking out and putting an end to EDDIE MURPHY’S pop dreams. Simon was hired to help the love rat hit the high notes in the early 1980s and, in hindsight, wishes he had the nerve back then to tell the Beverly Hills Cop star he was terrible. The American Idol judge, who is famous for letting wannabes know exactly what he thinks on reality TV talent shows, was not quite as honest with Eddie. Simon says: "He was interested in making a record, so I flew to the east coast (of America), to his huge house, and I was very intimidated. "I thought it would be just the two of us and a hi-fi. But I ended up in a recording studio with about 20 nodders – a nodder is someone who gets paid to agree with the person paying him. "Eddie started to play some songs, which I hated, and I just didn’t know what to say. "Now I’d find it a lot easier. I would just say ‘I hate it’."

The Sun 

Oh I wish he did because that was some painful music.


Picture proof Simon Cowell’s pecks are real.
December 26th, 2006 under American Idol 1-5, Simon Cowell. [ Comments: none ]

You know how Paula Abdul always jokes on American Idol that Simon stuffs his shirt, well now we know he doesn’t. I don’t know about you, but I liked it better when I didn’t know they were real…ewww. 

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