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Bordertown is Donald Trump’s dream cartoon
January 3rd, 2016 under Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

Fox is adding a new show to its Sunday Animation Domination lineup tonight at 9:30p and I am not sure if Seth MacFarlane or Donald Trump is producing it.
Bordertown is about Bud Buckwald and Ernesto Gonzalez, who live in the border town Mexifornia, and their families. Bud is a border agent and he is not a big fan of immigrants. His neighbor is Ernesto and he has been in the country for 10 years and has a landscaping company.
On tonight’s season premiere, their oldest children will announce their engagement and Bud is not happy about it. Everyone but him knew they were going out and that is not the only reason why he is unhappy with the news. Will he accept their marriage?
Then on next week’s episode he finds a lot of drug money and convinces to the town to build a border wall. I bet this episode will be like porn to Donald Trump.
I normally like Fox’s animated shows, but this one I think needs to be on the other side of the border wall. Let me know what you think of it.


Family Guy goes there with The Cosby Show
November 16th, 2015 under Bill Cosby, Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

Family Guy has been having a lot fun making fun of Bill Cosby since before the scandal and they’ve been having even more fun since it broke. Yesterday, they reworked the opening of The Cosby Show and had all the leading ladies passed out while he did his danced around in a colorful sweater. If only they brought Phylicia Rashād, Lisa Bonet and Tempestt Bledsoe into the mix, I would’ve been OK. But why did they have to add the late greats Bonnie Franklin and Bea Arthur? What did they do to deserve that? It’s not like they can defend themselves. Just like…


Seth MacFarlane does a mean Bobcat Goldthwaith!
June 23rd, 2015 under Jimmy Fallon, Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

Seth MacFarlane was on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jimmy Fallon challenged him to a game of Wheel of Impressions. Basically the two of them hit a button to find out which celebrity voice they would have to impersonate and what topic they would be talking about as that person. Obviously, Seth MacFarlane nailed every voice because he is an impression wonder. His first one was Liam Neeson, his last one was Ray Romano and his best one was Bobcat Goldthwait. If you closed your eyes you could actually picture the comedian with his long red scraggly hair harassing the barrister at Starbucks. I wish he Bobcat would bring back his infamous persona.
BTW someone Tweeted, “Thanks @jimmyfallon … #googled @bcgoldthwait so I could appreciate @SethMacFarlane’s impression! #SpotOn”. To which Bobcat Tweeted back, “I’m not sure which part of this I find more depressing.” Poor Bobcat!


Did Family Guy know about Caitlyn Jenner in 2009?
June 5th, 2015 under Caitlyn Jenner, Seth MacFarlane, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]
via WOW and Snopes
Up until a few months ago we didn’t know Caitlyn Jenner was living in Bruce, but it seems like Family Guy has known about since 2009. The animated sitcom made fun of him back then when Stewie said, “Brody Jenner, what a douchebag. I can’t believe THAT came out of Bruce Jenner’s vagina.” Brian responded by saying, “Bruce Jenner is a man.” Then Stewie scolded his four-legged friend, “No Brian. That’s what the press would have you believe, but he’s not. Bruce Jenner is a woman. An elegant, beautiful Dutch woman!”
Just think, 5 years later the press would change their tune and report that Bruce Jenner is indeed a woman. Who knew? Seth MacFarlane and his crew knew, that’s who.
If that is not enough proof that they knew, here’s another clip from the show hinting they knew something we didn’t until now! I wonder who told them???

Probably a Fox executive because Married…with Children had people confusing Marcy for Bruce Jenner.
Oh wait, Linda Thompson and her two sons with her ex-husband, Bruce Jenner, had a reality show on Fox for two episode, wonder if someone let it slip back then. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm? Although, MWC was off the air by 2005, so maybe not? There’s goes my theory.


Ted 2 looks like the sperm daddy of all movies!
January 29th, 2015 under Marky Mark, Seth MacFarlane. [ Comments: none ]

The first trailer is out for Ted 2 and the sequel looks like it has a much different feel than the original one. I mean Ted and John (Mark Wahlberg) are still their obnoxious selves, but it feels like a standalone movie as compared to a sequel. There isn’t anything wrong with that and it actually makes me want to see it when it comes out on June 26th.


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