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Anthony Anderson is an addict
July 3rd, 2011 under Anthony Anderson, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Anthony Anderson is the latest celebrity to be addicted to Planking and he announced on his Twitter “in the words of Diddy, ‘I won’t stop'” Like most addicts he is sharing his addiction with someone close to him, his daughter Kyra. The two did a plank in honor of the show that we got to know him on, you know Hang Time!!! Actually all of planking is like Hang Time.
Can someone please explain to me why so many people are obsessed with lying face down, hands at side, where ever they want, have someone photograph them doing it and then posting it online? Am I really missing out the latest phenomenon? The only way I would enjoy planking is if I helped someone do it in a really high place (like the third picture), take the picture and then run away with the ladder leaving them stuck up in a place where they can’t get down. Now that would be fun!!!


Who calls Mark Paul Gosselaar’s privates Slater, Screech and Mr Belding?
June 30th, 2011 under Conan O'Brien, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Mark Paul Gosselaar was on Conan O’Brien’s TBS show last night and told him a story about filming a nude scene in a hot tub for his new show Franklin and Bash. Well in Hollywood not everything is as it seems and he was wearing a cloth to hide his family jewels. Well when he stood up, he revealed what that nude cloth was hiding. When his co-star Breckin Meyer saw his little Zach, he called his frank and beans “Slater, Screech and Mr Belding” with the principal being the principle organ! Could you imagine if Breckin chose Screech for that one? Although it might be appropriate…
BTW I wonder what Mario Lopez, Dustin Diamond and Dennis Haskins’ ding dongs have been called?


A Saved By the Bell reunion!
May 24th, 2011 under Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: 1 ]

Zack Morris and AC Slater were reunited yesterday when Mark Paul Gosselaar appeared on Mario Lopez‘s show Extra; and the two frenemies look like they are no longer letting their school days get between them any more.
Seriously don’t the 37 year old actors look as good as when we got to know them on Saved By the Bell over 20 years ago. Can you believe it has been that long?


A mini Saved By The Bell reunion!
April 6th, 2011 under Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Mario Lopez and Elizabeth Berkley aka Saved By The Bell’s A.C. Slater and Jessie Spano were reunited on his show Extra and looks like not all TV couples look as good together when the showmance is over. The 37 year old entertainment host still looks good with his dimples, but I still have not gotten over Showgirls. Maybe someday I will forgive the 38 year old actress for that movie, but for now I just can’t do it.
BTW I think the faces of the fans that we see, say it all.


Ride hard, cause you’ll go smooth!
March 21st, 2011 under Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: 3 ]

Scott Whyte is filming The First Ride of Wyatt Earp with Val Kilmer and Matt Dallas, and he took a break from shooting the movie to shoot this ad for Milk of Magnesia. I am so glad he did because there are so many great one liners in that :46 video, that I know you will find yourself saying them to people. You know like “Be hard, go soft” and “It’s the comfort of a soft snake, moving down my intensives and sliding down smooth.” It looks like he had a lot of fun making it and I had a lot of fun watching it…and I know you will too!!! So take a sip of Milk of Magnesia, sit back (on the toilet) and enjoy…with some air freshener.
Seriously how cute is that cowboy selling us that laxative? There was nothing sh!tty about what he did!


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