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Tiffani Amber Thiessen had her little Zack!
July 2nd, 2015 under Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Tiffani Amber Thiessen and her husband, Brady Smith, welcomed their second child yesterday a boy named, Holt Fisher Smith.
The couple will celebrate their 10th anniversary a week from today and their daughter, Harper, turned 5 just last month. Basically the couple only have huge events during the summer J months, every 5 years. So in five years around this time, I guess we should expect some big news from them. Check back to find out what it is.
Seriously though, how awwwdorable are Kelly Kapowski’s two beautiful children?


Mark Paul Gosselaar has seen better days!
June 15th, 2015 under Better Days, Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Mark Paul Gosselaar posted a photo with his neck all bloodied, so did Screech get a hold of him? Nope, he was just filming a scene for his upcoming action film Precious Cargo. Looks like his character is going to see some action, and not the type of action that Zach Morris prefers. If you know what I mean.


That’s more of Mark Paul Gosselaar than I was expecting to see!
February 23rd, 2015 under Mark-Paul Gosselaar, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: 1 ]

When you think of Mark Paul Gosselaar, you think of the squeaky clean, very clothed Zack Morris. Well, he posted a photo this weekend that is very far from his wholesome Saved By the Bell image. The teen heartthrob was photographed doing a handstand naked and all I have to say is damn. He can Franklin and Bash me any night of the week. I don’t know what that means either, but I am too fixated on muscular body to care.


Just in case you forgot how awful Showgirls is?
February 10th, 2015 under Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: 1 ]

It has been 20 years, yes two decades, since Showgirls came out and CinemaSins wanted to remind how horrible it is by showing us everything that is wrong with it. There is so much wrong with it that it took them over 22 minutes to showcase all of its flaws.
So if you don’t remember how painful it was to watch to sit through the movie with Elizabeth Berkley in it, just watch the above video. It is a lot less traumatic, but it will still be etched in your memory for at least another 20 years.


Time out! Jimmy Fallon finally got his Saved By the Bell reunion!!!
February 4th, 2015 under Jimmy Fallon, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: none ]

Ever since Jimmy Fallon hosted The Late Show on NBC, he has tried his hardest to facilitate a Saved By the Bell reunion to no avail. I asked him about a year ago, now that he was going to be taking over The Tonight Show if he would try to make that dream come true. He told me, “OMG! I gave up on that. I got bored with that one.”
That was then, and this is now. Tonight, the halls of Bayside High are alive again because it happened! It really really happened. Mark Paul Gosselaar, Mario Lopez, Elizabeth Berkley, Tiffani Amber Thiessen and Dennis Haskins schooled the host about what it was like to be on SBTB and it is like totally awesome!
That’s right Zack, Kelly, Slater and Jessie put on their acid wash jeans and Mr Belding suited up for the occasion and not one of them has aged a day since they graduated from the roles that will forever be a part of childhoods.
I could tell you more about it, but you need to appreciate it for the masterpiece that is. There are so many dope moments in the nearly 9 minute bit that you want to drink them all up.
Elizabeth Berkley said it best when she Tweeted to Fallon, “thank you for making this joyful moment for everyone happen! You brought us all back to an innocent time.” It truly was and I am glad for a little bit of time today, we were all innocent again thanks to someone’s fantasy becoming a reality.


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