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Who knew Ryan Reynolds was a Rex Manning fan?
April 9th, 2023 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: 1 ]

Yesterday was Rex Manning Day! And Ryan Reynolds celebrated by giving the legendary singer a commercial promoting Aviation Gin.

Not only that, they introduced us to the drink Cult Classic which is made with the liquor. The only ingredient that was missing was sugar so we could have a sugarhigh. Got to have it. Really need it to get by.

Now that we got that out of the way. Can we talk about how Maxwell Caufield, 63, hasn’t aged a day since he starred in 1995’s Empire Records?


Surprise, Blake Lively had baby #4
February 13th, 2023 under Blake Lively, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Blake Lively can’t hide her pregnancies, but she can hide when she has her babies. Case in point, a baby bumpless Lively posted the above photo and wrote, “Puppy Bowl Sunday 2023🥘 🍲 🥧 been busy.”

Yeah, she’s been busy secretly giving birth and taking care of her newborn baby with Ryan Reynolds.

And that is all we know. We don’t know if the couple who have been married for 10 years and have three girls: James, 8, Inez, 6, and Betty, 3, finally welcomed a son. We also have no idea when it made its debut or what they are calling it. But we do know that are up to their elbows is Deadpoo.


Ryan Reynolds socks it to Jimmy Fallon
November 8th, 2022 under Jimmy Fallon, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Reynolds and Jimmy Fallon hung out before the actor appeared on The Tonight Show yesterday, and they complimented each other. Well, maybe complimenting is not the right word. They ripped each other a new one. It got so bad; even Hugh Jackman was like play nice.

I actually like these segments because you see two nice guys be anything but. They say what we are thinking about them. Just joking. Or am I? I am! I think?


Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman explain how Wolverine is alive
September 28th, 2022 under Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, Ryan Reynolds asked Hugh Jackman if he would revive Wolverine for Deadpool 3, and the X-Man said yes.

But how is that possible since Wolverine died in Logan? Today, the frenemies explained how. However, I missed their explanation because, for some reason, Wham’s Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go was playing in my head. No matter how many times I replayed the video, the song would play when they were explaining how.

Damn you, George Michael and Andrew Ridgely, for your earworm of a song.

Deadpool 3 is coming out on September 6, 2024. Hopefully, the happy tune will be out of my head by then.


This will make you wet, Wolverine joins Deadpool 3!
September 27th, 2022 under Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

I don’t know what is making me wetter. The fact that Wolverine is joining Deadpool 3, or that Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds are actually doing a movie together. The latter, who am I kidding? Their frenemy bromance is epic and to see them bring it to the big screen gives me hope that the world can be a better place.

Cum to think about it, maybe this film can bring world peace. Because if these two can get along, so can the Ukraine and Russia, China and Beijing, Florence Pugh and Olivia Wilde!

So mark your calendars because you are not going to want to miss Deadpool vs Wolverine on September 6, 2024. JFC that is like 2 years away. So much can happen between now and then. Israel and Palestine might actually achieve peace by the movie’s release date. If that happens, then the messiah will be here, and we won’t care about no stinking movie. We will just hope that we will be going to heaven and not hell. Although, I heard hell can be a fun place. Wait, what am I saying? Hopefully, they will move that date up because at the rate we are going to get the rapture could happen by 2024.


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