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Marriage has aged Speidi
September 29th, 2023 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

In November, Spence Pratt, 40, and Heidi, 37, Montag are going to celebrate their 15th wedding anniversary, and it shows.

Speidi did a commercial for Mint Mobile, and The Hills couple looks so much older than years.

But that is what happens when you are a reality super-couple who gets married. They age 15 years for every 5. So, in 5 years, they will look like Frank and Marie Barone.

Poor Heidi. She got all that work for nothing.

And back to the number 15. Mint Mobil is still only $15 for unlimited talk and text.


Ryan Reynolds teams up with ALF
July 24th, 2023 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Did you know that Ryan Reynolds has a streaming channel called Maximum Effort on several streaming services like Fubo? He streams shows like Fifteen, Two Guys and a Girl, Kids in the Hall, and ALF.

Since Deadpool is bringing our favorite Melmacian back from the dead, that means he owns him. So, Reynolds hired the cat eater to do some commercials for him.

“At Maximum Effort, we love taking risks and blurring the lines between shows and sponsorship because we believe both can be equally entertaining,” Reynolds said. “Besides my irrational love of ALF growing up, one of the reasons we licensed this show was precisely because Paul, Shout! Studios and our intrepid brand partners wanted to plot with us to bring ALF back to life.”

Watch the hairy alien life form plug things like the hair plugs Hims. Granted, they have an interesting video on their YouTube page about penis yoga. To see it, then click here!


It’s Deadpool and Wolverine-looking friendly
July 10th, 2023 under Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

For years we have watched Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman make fun of each other.

However, now that they are working together as Deadpool and Wolverine on Deadpool 3, they look friendly towards each other.

But then again, looks could be deceiving. We will find out on May 3rd if they are friends, enemies, or frenemies.


Ryan Reynolds wants you to sleep with him
June 15th, 2023 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively have four kids under 9, so sleep is not something they are familiar with anymore. Yet, on the day of the birth of his fourth child, he was inspired.

He decided to create a show where he will read us Bedtime Stories to help us fall asleep just like he does to his mini-Ryans. Who hasn’t dreamed of having Reynolds putting them to sleep? Although, I was picturing something a whole lot different. One that would make me happy in a different way.

“We’re so happy to create a program with the express goal of putting people to sleep. This show has actually been a dream of mine for a while,” said Maximum Effort co-founder Reynolds. “Storytime is a nighttime staple in our home and is a daily reminder of the power of storytelling. We’re extremely grateful to our always amazing partners at Autodesk for helping bring this show to life with their design and make platform.”

The first of Bedtime Stories’ 15 episodes premieres June 20th on Fubo TV’s Maximum Effort Channel.


Jury Duty’s Ronald Gladden finally got the hug he needed
May 10th, 2023 under FreeVee, James Marsden, Prime Video, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

In case you missed it. FreeVee did a show called Jury Duty which was an 8-episode prank show on one person. That person was Ronald Gladden, and he believed he was serving on a jury even though it was the weirdest case with the craziest scenarios that the producers could come up with. To make it more believable, everyone was an actor except him, including James Marsden, who played himself.

Well, the filming has been over for a while, but Gladden still feels like the cameras are watching him. So much so, he has trust issues.

When Ryan Reynolds heard his story, he knew he was the person to help the juror trust people again. So the actor asked the non-actor to do a Mint Mobile commercial with him. And then Deadpool gave him the hug he so desperately needed. Hopefully, that hug helped Gladden trust people again. I know I would if he hugged me like that, I would be trusting of everyone.


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