Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bruce Campbell is Discontinued
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[ # ] Bruce Campbell is Discontinued
November 28th, 2023 under Bruce Campbell, Ryan Reynolds

Bruce Campbell is a treasure. Because of that, he is something you want to put in a time capsule so that future generations can understand and appreciate his greatness.

Therefore, it makes sense that he would host a show from a cave in 2037 about discontinued items that we used to love, which are no longer around, like The Jerry Springer Show, the Blackberry, and AOL.

In the weekly series Discontinued, he will look back at the products, phenomenons, and phrases that are no longer with us in a way only he and other comedians can.

So make sure to watch Discontinued when it debuts on November 30th at 8p on the Maximum Effort Channel on Fubo and then Wednesdays at 9p before the Evil Dead get us and destroy everything that isn’t discontinued.

And on that note. Instead of saying that someone is cancelled, can we just say they were discontinued?


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