Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ryan Reynolds
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Something worse came out of Green Lantern than the movie
September 10th, 2012 under Gossip Girl, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively met while filming Green Lantern (the movie that didn’t make a lot of green) and yesterday the two of them got married in South Carolina. According to The NY Daily News they have only been planning their secret wedding for a month and she asked for the days off from Gossip Girl just three weeks ago. No word if any of her castmastes like her ex-boyfriend Penn Badgely were there to see Serena van der Woodsen walk down the aisle with Van Wilder.
Now everyone’s first thought might be that they are expecting a little superhero (well that is where my mind went), but don’t forget Scarlett Johansson and him has a secret wedding too. On that note doesn’t Lively remind you of a taller, younger, less talented version of his ex-wife with a bitchier voice? Am I the only one who thinks her voice is like hearing nails on a chalkboard?
Now when it comes to Reynolds, he used to be on my ToDo list which meant I would see every movie he did. But then after seeing him a lot of sh!tty movies, I had to remove him from the list to ease my suffering. Not only do I think he have the ability to chose to star in bad movies, I also think he has that same ability when it comes to picking women? Seriously does anyone really think it is going to last until death they do part?


Ryan Reynolds is all kinds of sexy
February 8th, 2012 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]
Ryan Reynolds was walking the red carpet of his new movie Safe House and if I were ever to see that sexy actor in person he would need a safe house to get away fro, me. Seriously doesn’t he just ooze sexiness? His only negative are the younger women he keeps dating. He can do better than them, like me.


Ryan Reynolds gets serious with Fireflies in the Garden
August 29th, 2011 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

We have seen Ryan Reynolds in comedies, in horror and even in action movies, but I can’t remember the last time we saw him in a drama. After watching the trailer for Fireflies in the Garden, he looks like he will be just as good in this genre as he is in the others. I just wish Julia Roberts wasn’t playing his mother because I can’t remember the last I enjoyed a movie she was in. Having said that, I still want to go see the movie when it comes out on October 14th.


Jimmy Fallon cause a rift between Jason Bateman and Ryan Reynolds?
August 5th, 2011 under Jason Bateman, Jimmy Fallon, Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

On Wednesday night Jason Bateman was on Late Night and he revealed five things we didn’t know about his Change-Up costar Ryan Reynolds. When he was done, Jimmy Fallon informed him that his friend would be on the show the next night. So Bateman got nervous and he was right to be because the Green Lantern star got his revenge by telling us 8 things we didn’t know about the Arrested Development star. When it comes to who gave us the better dirt, Bateman wins a huge a$$ silver spoon for her list!!!
Seriously after hearing their big reveals, I wonder if their 15 year friendship can sustain their truthfulness? I hope so because I am already looking for to The Change-Up 2!


The Change-Up is on the up and up with this new trailer!
July 28th, 2011 under Ryan Reynolds. [ Comments: none ]

The Change-Up is out on August 5th and next Friday come soon enough for me after watching the second restricted trailer for the flick. The Ryan Reynolds/Jason Bateman movie looks like it is going to be so raunchy and dirty that you will probably need a shower afterwards, and every now and again you need a film like that. That and it also looks like you will find yourself laughing so hard, it might cause a cute little bald spot. If you watch the trailer that last comment will make sense.


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