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Paul Karslake’s ‘You’ve forgotten one very important thing… I’m Keith Richards mate’ sold
June 7th, 2007 under Johnny Depp, Paul Karslake, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rolling Stones. [ Comments: 2 ]

(photo credit Arthur Edwards)
Paul Karslake's ‘You’ve forgotten one very important thing… I’m Keith Richards mate’ the latest amazing painting he painted of Keith Richards and Johnny Depp sold for $30,000 on May 25th! The first painting he painted of Keith Richards as a pirate was Johnny Depp's inspiration for Pirates of the Caribbean's Jack Sparrow. 
Karslake also told me that he is working on some more art and if you are like me you can't wait to see it! Check out Paul Karslake's website and Artisan Fine Art to see more of his awesome artwork! 

Exclusive: Paul Karslake’s new Keith Richard’s pirate painting with Johnny Depp!
May 25th, 2007 under Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rolling Stones. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo credit Arthur Edwards)
Paul Karslake has done it again!!!
Ten years ago Paul Karslake painted a painting of his brother-in-law's bandmate Keith Richard as a pirate. A few years later Johnny Depp saw the painting and it inspired him to model Jack Sparrow after Karslake's pirate painting. Ten years later, Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is coming out with both Johnny Depp and the man who inspired his character, Keith Richards playing his dad. So why not commemorate the moment with a new painting, ‘You’ve forgotten one very important thing… I’m Keith Richards mate’! Karslake has immortalized the two pirates in a new painting, a painting revealed the same day Pirates of the Caribbean 3 is coming out! And what a way to capture the two, that painting is absolutely amazing! I am seriously typing this post in awe just looking at it!
Seriously you should check out his other artwork at Paul Karslake and Artisan Galleries, and I promise he will quickly become one of your favorite artists as he has become one of mine!
BTW ‘You’ve forgotten one very important thing… I’m Keith Richards mate’ will be on sale soon at the Artisan Fine Art.

Ouch! The thing Mick Jagger did to increase the size of his peepee…
May 22nd, 2007 under Rolling Stones. [ Comments: 1 ]

(WARNING: This story not for the faint of heart or men)
This story has a sting to it… Mick Jagger went through great lengths to increase the size of his penis after a former girlfriend criticized the size of it according to AZ Central. Janice Dickinson told an interviewer, "Mick has a very small penis." Well Mick for obvious reason was embarrassed and decided to make a change to what Janice said. According to Julien Temple this is what he did, "It involved putting bamboo over the male member and filling it with stinger bees so the member attained the size of the bamboo. Mick spent months in the jungle in Peru. He was going mad out there I think." Yes you read that right he got a bunch of bees to sting his penis in the hopes it would swell the size. I am female and even I feel the pain of that. Ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch ouch!
And just a side note, maybe he isn't that small it is Janice Dickinson's perception of what a normal man's penis size should be, if you know what I mean…

The Pirates of the Caribbean 3 premiere photos
May 20th, 2007 under Desperate Housewives, Heroes, Johnny Depp, Rolling Stones. [ Comments: none ]

Even with a bad hair day, Johnny Depp always looks great! I so wish I was at that Pirates of the Caribbean 3 premiere. 

Johnny Depp and Keith Richards do Rolling Stone
May 17th, 2007 under Johnny Depp, Pirates of the Caribbean, Rolling Stones. [ Comments: none ]

Rolling Stone recently interviewed Johnny Depp and Keith Richards aka Jack Sparrow and his dad about Pirates of the Caribbean 3. Just as you would expect the two of them are so cute together! Here are excerpts from the interview, you can check out Rolling Stone for even more of the interview.

Was it hard to convince you to be a part of this "Pirates" film franchise?
RICHARDS: It was the right place at the right time with the right guys. And, you know, because he's an asshole.

DEPP: Truth be told.

So you have seen the movie, Keith?
RICHARDS: Oh, shit, yeah. How can you not with your grandkids around? I saw it when Pirates 1 came out. Pirates 2 I did fall asleep in, but I'd been up for three days.

DEPP:I might have fallen asleep myself.

Keith, did you recognize anything similar right away between you and the character?
RICHARDS: He gave me a call when he started doing promos for Pirates 1: "Before you read this shit, I have got to say that I did base certain parts of my character on you." Well, thanks, Johnny, for letting me know. Otherwise I would have sued your ass [laughs].

And when did you get the thought, Johnny, to ask Keith to be your father onscreen?
DEPP: We had dinner in New York, hanging out, right after Pirates. I was never sure that he would even go for it.

RICHARDS: I had a week off, Johnny.

DEPP: Time well spent.

RICHARDS: Yeah, the rest of the Stones are kicking their asses back, and I'm a pirate. Just something different to do. I don't know if I can really pull it or not. Either that or it would be one line and out.

How is he doing?
DEPP: Fucking great, man. Two-take Richards.

Johnny, has the huge success of the first two Pirates movies surprised you?
DEPP: It surprised the shit out of me, because I'm used to about eighteen people seeing my movies.

And what, if anything, can you tell us about the third movie?
RICHARDS: You're looking at it now [points to his costume].



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