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What scares Robert Englund?
September 29th, 2012 under Robert Englund, Syfy. [ Comments: none ]

Robert Englund is starring in Lake Placid: The Final Chapter tonight on Syfy at 9p, but what scares one of the scariest people in the world?
I was recently on a conference call with him and here is what Freddy Krueger said terrified him:

Nothing really scares me. When I did the first Nightmare film, I mean there’s films that scare me, I just even got a jolt the other night watching Cabin in the Woods. And I remember the original Alien got me several times, and I was a grown up when I saw that, and I dragged my poor father to see it.
But now, when I was in the makeup for the original Freddy, I fell asleep, we were shooting nights. And I fell asleep trying to get a nap and the AD banged on the door and said, “Mr. Englund hurry up we’re going to try and get this shot before the sun comes up.” And I sat up, and I forgot, this was during the first film, forgetting I was in this make-up.
And I sat up with, you know, that kind of bad breath you have after a little nap, and I rolled off of my cot in my little tiny, you know, honey wagon dressing room. And there in the recesses, in the forced perspective of my make-up mirror, opposite my bunk, surrounded by dim light bulbs – make-up light bulbs, that had been cranked down on the dimmer. I saw this old bald man with scars and burns all over him looking back at me.
And I kind of went, “Oh geez.” And I put my hand on my head and so did he. So it became this sort of nightmarish Marx brothers routine. And it literally took me about the count of 5 or 6 to kind of come out of that semi-conscious state you’re in when you wake up real fast. And, you know, when you’re fighting for the alarm clock. That kind of moment of time. And I was very disoriented.
The point of this story is that moment, looking into the mirror, which I recovered from in 5 to 6 seconds, but that moment, I can remember it like it was yesterday. And occasionally, and I don’t want to like guilt the lily here, but occasionally that does enter into my subconscious and it does get into a dream, or it comes in as a random image that’s still stored in my brain somewhere. Because it was so disorienting.
There’s that funny distancing of where I was sitting, and then the mirror 2 or 3 feet from me. And then in an equally far back and deep in the mirror Freddy, looking back at Robert. Because I was Robert obviously.
But that really was a strange moment, and it was so early in the film experience for me, of horror films. I had been doing a lot of very normal fair up until then, except for science fiction (unintelligible). That really did disorient me, and it did stay with me, and do a little kind of a – I think there’s a definite crease in my gray matter that makes a home for that image.

I am glad that with all the scares that he has given us in The Nightmare on Elm Street Movies that it also scared him!
And check him in Lake Placid: The Final Chapter tonight on Syfy to be scared by him once again…


Robert Englunds puts on his Freddy Krueger glove!
October 20th, 2011 under Movies, Robert Englund. [ Comments: 1 ]

It is just days away from Halloween and today when Robert Englund was on El Hormiguero and he put on his Freddy Krueger glove and more! Seeing this pictures of him having with his Nightmare on Elm Street character brought so much happiness to my day. I love how much fun he is having with the role that gave us nightmares with him in it.
Oh make sure to look at the pictures on the screen behind him because they made some of the pictures even better!


Robert Englund gets sexy!
June 7th, 2011 under Robert Englund, Showtime. [ Comments: none ]

Showtime has brought us some of the sexiest shows ever based in the middle ages like The Tudors and The Borgais and now they are bringing us The Dark Ages. After watching the trailer that debuted on Funny or Die for their latest erotic series coming to Show(me)time, I desperately need a shower! When Robert Englund says, “take me”, it was just too much for me to handle. I can’t wait to watch this show with my remote control. If you know what I mean by remote control…
Seriously doesn’t it look like this will be their hottest soft core historical drama to date? Let’s just say The Dark Ages definitely lit my fire!!!


Robert Englund slashes up Bones!
April 15th, 2010 under Bones, Robert Englund. [ Comments: 2 ]

Horror movie icon Robert Englund is going to guest star on tonight’s Bones on Fox at 8p and I can’t wait to see what he does on the show. I have had a crush on him ever since he did Nightmare on Elm Street and V, and I really hope he does some good cuts on tonight’s episode with one knife as compared to the 10 blades he usually dons as Freddy Krueger! He will always be the only Freddy Krueger to me!
Besides the great Robert Englund being on the show, I excited to see Bones at her high school reunion with Booth. I wonder what we will learn about her past Plus she shares a slow dance with Booth and after last week’s show that should be interesting…


The Nightmare on Elm Street 2.0 trailer
February 25th, 2010 under Movies, Robert Englund. [ Comments: none ]

Although this trailer for the sh!tty remake of The Nightmare on Elm Street is better than the teaser that was released a few months ago, I still won’t see that piece of crap. I loved the original series and if Robert Englund isn’t Freddy Krueger I refuse to see it. Plus I hate the look and sound of the new Freddy.
I really wish that Michael Bay’s stupid production company Platinum Dooms, I mean Dunes, would stop remaking horror classics and try to come up with original ones. I saw their remake of Friday the 13th and I thought it was no where as good as the original series including Jason X. In fact I found myself extremely bored with it and thought it sucked balls.
So in short guess where I won’t be on April 30th…seeing that movie.


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