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Quantum Leap gets a visit from aliens tonight
October 18th, 2023 under Quantum Leap. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 8p on NBC’s Quantum Leap, Ben (Raymond Lee), the Time Traveler, gets a visit from aliens in 1949. That is because he is a government agent for Project Sign, the project that investigates aliens.

Ben is called out to investigate a single-car crash in Washington where one girl survived, and her friend is in a coma. Carrie (Alison Thornton) tells her grandfather, the sheriff (Louis Herthum), that she saw a light and a strange object in the sky. She swerved to avoid hitting it, and she crashed into a tree. The two girls got out to run from whatever it was, and that was the last thing that Carrie remembered before waking up in the hospital.

Carrie is being accused of attempted murder by her friend’s father, who owns most of the land in the town and beyond. He wants Carrie arrested, and now it is going to be a modern Western with the rich guy and the sheriff.

Ben is going to have to find out what happened to Carrie that night and if aliens really were involved. All while talking to Addison (Caitlin Bassett) and finding out what she has been up to the last three years when he was missing in time.

I loved this episode because it felt like a homage to the original Quantum Leap with Scott Bakula. Ben has a lot more interaction with the people of that time, and there are a lot of Easter Eggs in the episode. What they are, I cannot tell you. But you will enjoy them.

Just like you will enjoy this episode. Seriously, you should be watching this show because it has something for everyone. This week, aliens. Next week, who knows? But you know that Ben will have an adventure that is one for the era!


Tonight’s a great night of TV with Quantum Leap, Chucky, and SurrealEstate
October 11th, 2023 under Chucky, Quantum Leap. [ Comments: none ]

Quantum Leap came back last week, and we learned that Ben (Raymond Lee) did not leap home. In fact, for the last three years, he has been missing and presumed dead. So they held a funeral for him, and the project was shut down.

However, Ian (Mason Alexander Park) did not give up on him and finally found him. Just as the two were reunited, Ben leaped again.

Tonight at 8p on NBC, we get to see the Quantum Leap team reunited and ready to restart the program to help Ben. That is if they can find out when he is.

Ben is a grandmother working in a bank that is about to be robbed by his co-worker’s brother. In the original history, several people died, and now he has to do what he can to make sure no one dies. Can he do it?

You will just have to tune in for a sequel that gets it right.

And can I tell you, I am enjoying that they are focusing on the leaps more this season than present day? Don’t get me wrong, they deal with that too. But more of the episode is dedicated to the past, like the original series. That is what I prefer, and it is all about me.

Then, at 9p on Syfy and USA Network, Chucky is making a killing in the White House. And I mean that literally.

Last week, Chucky, who now goes by Joseph, killed the Secret Service man who was protecting his friend to the end, Henry (Callum Vinson).

This week, the White House is dealing with the ramifications of that murder that was made to look like a suicide.

Just when the President (Devon Sawa) and the First Lady (Lara Jean Chorostecki) are coming to terms with a horrific death in the White House, someone else will die. And what a death it is.

Meanwhile, Jake (Zackary Arthur), Lexy (Alyvia Alyn Lind), and Devon (Björgvin Arnarson) find out that Chucky is in the White House, and now they are going to try to get in touch with the President’s older son, Grant (Jackson Kelly) so that they can get close to Joseph. Will they be able to infiltrate the White House like their old nemesis?

I can’t tell you. You just have to watch the funnest season of Chucky so far.

Finally, at 10p on Syfy, has Luke (Tim Rozon) met his match on SurrealEstate?

Luke and his team have been trying to sell a house for two months, but they haven’t been able to do it because of the ghost who lived there first.

So the current owner calls in the television show Spirit Stalkers, Paranormal P.I., to get rid of her. Now, Luke and Kit Rampart (Brian Marler) are going to compete to get rid of her. But not before they have a scar-off to compare who has the best ghost story.

Who will get the ghost to move out first, Luke or Spirit Stalkers? You have to watch the scary episode to find out.

If you have never seen this series, tonight’s episode is a great one to get you as hooked as I am.


Quantum Leap is back, but is Ben?
October 4th, 2023 under Quantum Leap. [ Comments: none ]

When Quantum Leap ended its first season, we saw Ben (Raymond Lee) leap, and we were hoping he leaped home.

Tonight, the series is back at 8p on NBC, and we find out he didn’t go home. Instead, he lept in a plane that is about to crash in Russia in 1978. He and four other people are on a secret military mission to protect a piece of cargo at all costs, but he is all alone.

Because no one from Quantum Leap, including Addison (Caitlin Bassett), seems to be observing him. So he doesn’t know what he has to do to leap. And he needs the help.

They are alone in Russia, and no one from any time or place are coming to rescue them. So, they are going to have to do what they can to get the mysterious cargo to its destination. Is that what Ben needs to do so he can leap home? Or does he need to do something else?

You are going to have to watch this intense episode that proves even if you are down and out; you can still be a hero. At least, that is what these four men and one woman are going to try to do.

I have read that Quantum Leap is going to focus more on the leaps this season, and they definitely did that. Along with concentrating on the past, we are getting glimpses of present day. So, we are still in the loop about what is going on at home and what is going on with Ben, whose memories keep coming back. But are they enough for him to remember how to get home? We will have to tune in every week to find out.


NBC will air scripted shows in the Fall
July 19th, 2023 under NBC, Quantum Leap. [ Comments: none ]

While CBS, ABC, and Fox are heavy on unscripted, NBC will be airing scripted episodes in the Fall. Because they knew to plan ahead in case the strikes happened, which they did.

Returning series Quantum Leap, the concluding Magnum, P.I., and Transplant will be joined by newcomers Found and The Irrational in September.

It will be interesting to see if their ratings will surge against their competition. I am assuming they will because I don’t think the viewer can handle that much reality television.

Monday, Sept. 25
8-10 p.m. – The Voice (Original)
10-11 p.m. – The Irrational (Original)

Tuesday, Sept. 26
8-9 p.m. – The Voice (Original)
9-11 p.m. – America’s Got Talent (Performance finale)

Wednesday, Sept. 27
8-9 p.m. – America’s Got Talent (R)
9-11 p.m. – America’s Got Talent (Season finale)

Thursday, Sept. 28
8-10 p.m. – People’s Choice Country Awards
10-11 p.m. – The Irrational (R)

Friday, Sept. 29
9-11 p.m. – Dateline NBC (Original)

Tuesday, Oct. 3
8-9 p.m. — The Voice (Recap)
8-10 p.m. – The Voice (Original)
10-11 p.m. – Found (Original)

Wednesday, Oct. 4
8-9 p.m. – Chicago dramas (R)
9-10 p.m. – Quantum Leap (Original)
10-11 p.m. – Magnum, P.I. (Original)

Thursday, Oct. 5
8-9 p.m. – Law & Order dramas (R)
9-10 p.m. – Transplant (Original)
10-11 p.m. – Dateline NBC (R)

Friday, Nov. 3
8-9 p.m. – The Wall (Original)

To read about the new dramas, then click here!


Quantum Leap’s season finale doesn’t disappoint
April 3rd, 2023 under Quantum Leap. [ Comments: none ]

When Quantum Leap ended last week, I was not happy with the ending. That is because Ben (Raymond Lee) leaped into the future, and Ian (Mason Alexander Park) was waiting for him after what looked like a post-nuclear war world.

However, tonight at 10p on NBC, it all makes sense. That is because Ian reveals to Ben why he started leaping. And with that, I cannot tell you anymore. I mean, I can. But I don’t want to ruin what happens because what the writers came up with was a perfect way to wrap up the season.


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