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Baby Reindeer’s Martha reveals who she is
May 8th, 2024 under Netflix, Piers Morgan. [ Comments: none ]

Netflix’s Baby Reindeer is the hottest show of the month. People are binging the eight episodes in a day because they need to know how it ends.

Then, when it ends, we need to know who the real Martha is and why Richard Gadd
says she was stalking him in the series, which he says is based on his true story. That reveal at the beginning makes the whole show even more unnerving because you know that with every minute that passes.

For two weeks, people have been speculating about who the real Martha is. The mystery woman has done a few interviews without revealing her identity.

Tomorrow, she unmasks herself to Piers Morgan. Martha’s real name is Fiona Harvey. The alleged stalker sat down with Morgan to tell her side of the story and set the record straight. Who knows what she will reveal on Piers Uncensored? All I know is I will be watching to find out.

One thing we don’t have to wait to find out is what she looks like. The host shared a photo of her with him, and she looks like Kathy Bates in Misery (or MadTV’s  Miss Swan) to me. Do you see it too?

BTW Is it wrong that I hope Morgan is really, really, really nice to her???


Piers Morgan has COVID, but the show must go on
December 5th, 2023 under Coronavirus, Piers Morgan. [ Comments: none ]

Piers Morgan tested positive for COVID-19 this afternoon after taking two other tests that came back negative. So he debated whether he should go into work to host Piers Morgan Uncensored and risk getting everyone sick. Or stay at home and host his show from there.

He ultimately decided to do it from home with the help of two co-workers who recently beat COVID.

With less than four hours to make it happen, they somehow worked a miracle.

However, Morgan was missing one key person from the crew, and that person was the makeup artist. Because he looks shit. And I am not sure it was all COVID’s fault.


This almost makes me like Piers Morgan
January 17th, 2023 under Piers Morgan. [ Comments: none ]

Piers Morgan likes to get catty with everyone. So you would think that animals would avoid him as humans do. However, he got a kitty, and they love their daddy. So much so the baby wants to take cat naps with its furent.

And now I am wondering if Morgan is nicer than we think. Nah. The cat is probably the offspring of one of the evil stepmother’s felines.


Caption Piers Morgan and Sharon Osbourne!
October 5th, 2021 under Piers Morgan, The Osbournes. [ Comments: none ]

Piers Morgan and Sharon Osbourne got together to drink tea, and you know they spilled plenty of it. So you tell me what you think they talked about during their reunion?


Meghan Markle filed a complaint against Piers Morgan to ITV
March 10th, 2021 under Piers Morgan, TV News. [ Comments: none ]

On Sunday night, CBS aired Oprah Winfrey’s interview with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. The Duchess of Sussex revealed that she was suicidal back when they were in London.

On Monday, Piers Morgan said he didn’t believe her on Good Morning Britain. On Tuesday, his co-host, Alex Beresford, called Morgan out on his abusive behavior towards Markle. Morgan couldn’t take it, stormed off the set, and “quit” the show.

Today, ITV’s Royal reporter Chris Ship reported, “So … the Duchess of Sussex formally filed a complaint to @ITV on Monday. It’s thought to have been sent to the broadcaster’s CEO.
Meghan raised concerns about how @piersmorgan’s words affect the issue of mental health and what it might do to others contemplating suicide.”

I have a feeling the executives at the network asked Morgan to publicly apologize to her after receiving the complaint, and he refused to do so. Thus, why he is no longer doing the show.

This morning, Good Morning Britain’s Susanna Reid read a statement about Morgan’s sudden departure. To me, it appears that she is not going to miss him, which is why the statement was scripted and not spoken from the heart. Something I have not seen Morgan have.

Tune in tomorrow for the latest update on Royal News.


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