Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Pauly Shore
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Pauly Shore explains his racist rant
March 24th, 2008 under Celeb Oops, Pauly Shore. [ Comments: 1 ]

Response to video clip controversy…

Yo broooos!

So… I heard u guys r a little edged @ me for that video clip last week… believe it or not there is a method to my madness… I’m stupid but I’m not ttthhaatt stupid!! I”ll give u a little teeny weenie clue… Who’s married to the actress Demi Moore? Ashton Kuuutcher… rrriittteee!!!

A lot of u r saying “u just saying that cause we got u on blast!”… Nooo brooos… exhale… you’ll see!! I got nothing but love for you brooos. I’m a jew. Blacks and jews are one cause we both got big… I can’t say it but you know what I mean! Anyways…

Had a great time @ JZ private concert in miami… He says “what’s up”… Had to bail miami and hit the road to promo my new dvd that drops this week with all your peeps in it… Vivica Fox Charlie Murphy T-Pain… it’s called “Natural Born Komics” (ooohhh… I just gave u another teeny weenie clue broooos)!!

Stay tuned… When you find out what’s really been behind that video clip your gonna be like… “damn homey… this is one messed up jew”. One love…

Your boy,

Pauly… buuu-deeee… muah lol xoxo grrrrr…

via Pauly Shore’s MySpace blog
Who do you believe Pauly Shore on the video or Pauly Shore on his blog? I don’t know Ashton has gotten us all pretty good in the recent weeks, that I think we punk’d by him again on this one. Because as Pauly Shore said he is stupid but not that ttthaattt stupid.
BTW we were punk’d good, but I don’t find that joke funny.


Pauly Shore and Mario Lopez spent Valentine’s at a Wedding Chapel!
February 15th, 2008 under Mario Lopez, Pauly Shore, Saved by the Bell/City Guys. [ Comments: 1 ]


Mario Lopez and Pauly Shore spent Valentine's Day witnessing several couple get married as part of Cherry Chocolate Diet Dr. Pepper 24-hour Valentine's Day Wedding Extravaganza in Vegas. Dr Pepper, Yahoo! and the Hard Rock Hotel gave brides and grooms a special way to celebrate their special day and a way of showing their love to millions of people via Yahoo! streaming their nuptials. To make their day even more special Dr Pepper brought in Pauly Shore and Mario Lopez to witness their weddings. 

Plus The lucky couples will be given an impromptu wedding consultant and will have a choice between three different themes for their ceremony: a traditional white wedding, a destination resort (poolside) ceremony, or the "Hard Rock" themed extravaganza, complete with Elvis impersonators and other Vegas-style must-haves!

What a great day and way to get married! 

Hopefully their marriages will last longer than Mario Lopez's! 


A heckler punched Pauly Shore!!!!
December 12th, 2006 under Awesome Videos, Pauly Shore. [ Comments: none ]

Cooler Blog
I guess you can say that was a blow to his ego! Poor Pauly Shore, I have to admit I kind of like him. Shhh don’t tell.
But seriously folks are the hecklers revolting after the Michael Richards incident?


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