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Paris Hilton talks to Ryan Seacrest for free
June 21st, 2007 under Paris Hilton, Ryan Seacrest. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Paris Hilton Blog
On the same day it was revealed that NBC paid Paris Hilton $1 million to give them her first post-jail interview, Ryan Seacrest got her on the phone for free! E! News Live will be milking, I mean airing the interview tonight and tomorrow. In the interview she told him, "In a way, I'm really glad this happened, because it changed my life forever." She then told him, "I'm so much more grateful for everything that I have, even just to have a pillow at night or food," Hilton told Seacrest, "You know my gratitude has gone up so much and I just realize that the media used me to make fun of and be mean about it." she added, "frankly sick of it and I want to use my fame in a good way." She also talked about what it is like being behind bars/glass "I am behind glass and I want to give my dad a big hug and they won't even let me do that. That's how the rules are, you have to be behind glass…I'm not a criminal, I'm not dangerous, so it makes me feel like that. It's hard but I'm stronger everyday." How long do you think the new Paris Hilton will last? I don't give it a month and you? Here is what she said she was looking forward to when she gets out, "I just can't wait to see my family and have a nice meal and be in my own bed and appreciate all the things I took for granted and never really thought much about." So maybe it will be longer than a month. 
Paris also confirmed what her medical issue was that made Sheriff Lee Baca release her early, "I'm claustrophobic, and my cell is really small. It's hard. There's nothing to do but basically sit. A room with a bunkbed and a toilet and a desk. I was going a little bit crazy in the beginning. I'm getting used to it now."
Paris loves her fan mail, "I'll reread the letters, and I literally cry. It fills my heart and my soul," she said. "So much love. I had no idea there were that many people who cared." So if you want her to read your letter, you better send it now because she looks to be getting out of jail on Monday.

Shocking – Paris Hilton is a horrible pet owner
June 21st, 2007 under Paris Hilton, Unadmirable People. [ Comments: none ]

(photo from Us Weekly
Page Six is reporting that Paris Hilton's neighbors are howling mad at the way she treats her pets. Here is what her neighbors said:
"She treats her animals horribly. They are always getting out and running around the neighborhood. She had a little orange kitty about a year ago that kept getting out and we kept telling her it was outside. She didn't seem like she cared, and then one day the cat got run over in the middle of the street and died. Not long after, little [Chihuahua] Tinkerbell came to my door and I left a note on her gate. Her assistant came over frantic and tried to offer me a $40 reward. I said, 'Don't insult me.' " Another neighbor said, "I found two little Chihuahuas of hers running up and down the street with cars and people going up and down. I put them in my bathroom and called Paris. Her assistant answered and said, 'You can't drop them off! Miss Hilton isn't home!' She took three hours to come get them. Meanwhile she lives five houses away."
If this is true, I hope she stays behind bars even longer than the 23 days. I hope the ASPCA reads this story and takes the animals aways. Because if she is not caring for them when they get out imagine how she is taking care of them when they are in the house? Throw away the key.
On another note Page Six is reporting that the Today Show is paying her $1 million to do her first post-jail interview. Jeff Zucker called her dad personally and made the offer that her father couldn't refuse. Which makes me wonder why is Zucker still running the network with morales like that? BTW Meredith Viera is the one that will be interviewing her, hopefully she will ask the $1 million dollar question because Paris is not worth that much. It should be a no holds barred interview for that price, but I am sure her parents put limitations on what they can ask. 

Is Jessica Alba the reason Paris Hilton’s agents fired her?
June 14th, 2007 under Jessica Alba, Paris Hilton. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from Celeb Warship
OK! Magazine is reporting that Paris Hilton's agency Endeavor dropped her because of pressure from their A-List clients to do so. A source told the magazine, “They were getting a lot of pressure from bigger clients to get rid of Paris. None of them wanted to have the same agents as Paris; she’s an embarrassment to any real artist.” The source added it was Jessica Alba's feelings that put the final nail in the her coffin at Endeavor, “Jessica is the anti-Paris — a real star who hates the silly L.A. party scene that Paris reigns over. She made it clear to the folks at Endeavor — either Paris goes or she goes.” Sounds like when Paris gets out she won't have Hollywood behind her and good for Jessica Alba and the others to try to put a stop to the stars like Paris for giving Hollywood a negative image. 

Another great Paris Hilton song parody
June 14th, 2007 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

Comedian/Radio DJ Mark Moseley came up with that song for the radio stations he works for and I think it is so funny so I decided to share it with you guys. BTW the song he used for the parody is Sean Kingston’s Beautiful Girls.
Check out Mark Moseley’s MySpace to see some of the other funny stuff he has done!!!


Paris Hilton transfered back to the Lynwood jail
June 14th, 2007 under Paris Hilton. [ Comments: none ]

According to TMZ Paris Hilton was transfered from the Twin Centers Medical Facility last night back to the jail in Lynwood late last night. Officials felt she was stable on her new meds, so they transfered back to the original facility she went to, but for the time being she is serving her time in the medical ward there. Once she stable there she will be brought back to her original cell where she was having panic attacks. Now a source is telling TMZ, "To describe Paris as emotionally upset would be an understatement." They added they were not sure if she will remain at Lynwood with the way she is reacting to the transfer. 
I have to admit I feel bad for Paris with the ping pong game they have been playing with her because I am sure it really it is messing with her mentality. We might not like Paris, but with everything going on with her it is actually becoming borderline cruel.  

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