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What would Oprah Winfrey be doing if she was not Oprah Winfrey?
July 6th, 2018 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Oprah Winfrey has been on television since she was just 19 years old. What if she never went into show business, what would she be doing now? She told British Vogue’s Edward Enniful that she would be a teacher in a classroom. She explained to him why “It’s the thing that still brings me the great joy.”

Did you know she actually teaches the students at her South African school via satellite? Every Christmas she tells us what is her favorite things are, but shared her favorite moment with him and that is looking at someone’s face when they get it.

Talking about looking, she recently Googled herself for the first time. How did it go? She said, “I am so impressed with myself.” She has every reason to be because she found out she is the first self-made African-Amercian billionaire and donated more to charity in the 20th century than any other African American. You Google my name and it asks me why do you think anyone would care about you?

Back to Opran and the search provider. That is how much everyone loves Oprah, not even Google can find something bad to say about her. Because there is nothing!


Oprah Winfrey had a last minute dress change for the Royal Wedding
May 19th, 2018 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

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Oprah Winfrey was one of the best-dressed people at the Royal Wedding today, but that was not the dress she was supposed to wear. She originally was going to wear on a beige one, but on camera, it would have looked white. As anyone knows, you don’t dare wear white to a wedding. That is reserved for the bride only. Well her, and the ex-girlfriend, who somehow got invited and actually showed to the nuptials, therefore she is only there to upstage his new lady.

Anyways, Lady O called up Stella McCartney on Friday morning and asked her to make her something for the big day. What is she going to do, say no? No one says no to Oprah and lives. Do you know anyone who has? I don’t either.

Back to the dress, the fashion designer’s people stayed up all night, and she got what you saw today, just 24 hours after she made that call. I am glad that other one did not work because the Queen of Daytime was pretty in pink at the royal affair. Oh and she said the hat was vintage. Vintage to her means it has been in her closet since 2005. Vintage to us means something completely different,


Ellen made Tiffany Haddish cry over Oprah!
February 22nd, 2018 under Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah Winfrey, The Carmichael Show. [ Comments: 2 ]

Tiffany Haddish is the second guest on Ellen DeGeneres’ talk show today and the first one was Oprah Winfrey. Well Haddish is a big fan of Lady O, but sadly she had left as soon as her segment was done. Or so she thought.

As Haddish was praising the woman we all love, she revealed that she sent a few letters to her idol, but never got a reply. Therefore, Ellen wanted to know why Oprah never replied. At that moment Haddish lost it and couldn’t stop crying as she met the Queen of Daytime. But then again who wouldn’t become a slobbering mess if they met Oprah like that.

It is nice to see Ellen use her power for good and not to scare the crap out of someone like she normally does. Especially to someone who is as talented as Haddish, I have loved her since The Carmichael Show. She had us cracking up in every scene she was in on that show. I miss that show, but at least the cast is having successful careers now that it won’t be back for another season.

To see their cooking segment, then click here!


Watch Oprah Winfrey excitingly clean dog poo out a carpet
January 26th, 2018 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Vanity Fair asked Oprah Winfrey what is her secret talent, and it is a sh!tty one. She can get dog poo out of a white carpet and make it even whiter than before it got stained.

What is her secret? Club soda and dish washing liquid. While that sounds boring, Lady O gave it her special flair and now we are all going to the store to buy those items so we can clean our carpets just like her.

Lady O just has a way of her getting us to doing everything she does.


Will Oprah Winfrey run for president in 2020?
January 25th, 2018 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Remember Oprah Winfrey’s empowering speech at the Golden Globes? It was so inspiring that you said you said to yourself that she should run for president in 2020? Then you wondered if she would? InStyle wondered too, so they asked her. Here is what she told them:

I actually saw a mug the other day … I thought it was a cute mug. All you need is a mug and some campaign literature and a T-shirt. I’ve always felt very secure and confident with myself in knowing what I could do and what I could not. And so it’s not something that interests me. I don’t have the DNA for it. Gayle—who knows me as well as I know myself practically—has been calling me regularly and texting me things, like a woman in the airport saying, “When’s Oprah going to run?” So Gayle sends me these things, and then she’ll go, “I know, I know, I know! It wouldn’t be good for you—it would be good for everyone else.” I met with someone the other day who said that they would help me with a campaign. That’s not for me.

How disappointed are you that we will not be saying President Oprah Winfrey in 3 years? I am so sad, I am going to have order something from Oprah’s Favorite Things list to make me feel better.


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