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Remember when Oprah Winfrey said soaps was a dying breed?
June 26th, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey, TV Soaps. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 2011, Oprah Winfrey said Soaps were done for and that she would not help save All My Children and One Life to Live. Well a lot has happened in two years and guess what OWN is airing starting on July 15th? That’s right All My Children and One Life to Live are coming to Oprah Winfrey’s Network. They struck a deal to air the first 40 episodes from Prospect Park. For 10 weeks at 1p you can watch AMC and then at 3p OLTL is on Mondays to Thursdays. These episodes will only be a half hour long, so mark your calendars because how much fun would it be if there were the biggest thing that OWN has. It would be like a big FU to Oprah for saying Daytime Dramas were dead! And c’mon who hasn’t wanted to tell her she has been wrong about something for years?
Long live Soap Operas!!!


Dark Girls sheds new light into colorism
June 23rd, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 10p the documentary Dark Girls makes its television debut on OWN and it is a must watch by all. Dark-skinned African American women tell their stories of growing up with darker skin and feeling the prejudices from people of all colors, but mostly from their own. Before I watched this documentary by Bill Duke and D. Channsin Berry, I had no idea colorism existed. I see people as one skin color, so to find out that people have self-loathing issues because their skin is too dark was a real eye opener. To hear what they have gone through and to hear what they did to try to change their looks saddened me. Hopefully this documentary will change the way people think and show people that you are beautiful no matter how light or dark your skin is. That is how it should be because when we are dead for while our skin all looks the same, non-existent.


Did The Butler do it for you?
May 7th, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

The first trailer is out for The Butler with Oprah Winfrey and an all-star cast and I am torn if I am going to see it. While the movie based on a real life White House butler looks like it has it’s good points, it also looks like it has some really bad points. For example not once did I believe Robin Williams as Dwight Eisenhower or James Marsden as JFK or Liev Schreiber as LBJ or especially John Cusack as Richard Nixon, so I disagree with the casting. Plus I find Lee Daniels’ movies to be extremely long and drawn out, and also extremely depressing without a happy or a satisfying ending. So why I would I put myself through that again? It might be a hit at next year’s Oscars, but does that mean it is enough to get me to see it? We will see as we get closer to a release date and we know more about the film.


Oprah Winfrey admits she has big breastses
March 15th, 2013 under Oprah Winfrey, Steve Harvey. [ Comments: none ]

Oprah Winfrey is a guest on Steve Harvery‘s talk show and he asked her about what Terrence Howard said about her. When the actor was asked about working with Lady O, he told MovieFanatic “Oprah and I had such chemistry. To be able to make out with Oprah and to have love scenes with her and those tig ol’ bitties.”
Well today on Harvey’s show she talked about it and she took it all in good stride. In fact she said when her friends call her about it all upset, she responds to them with pride and says “Well I do have big breastses!” That she does and he is very lucky she is letting him get away with it.


How Oprah Winfrey and Lance Armstrong really feel about each other?
January 21st, 2013 under Conan O'Brien, Oprah Winfrey. [ Comments: none ]

The Oprah Winfrey with Lance Armstrong admitting he was doping cheater was good. But this edited version that aired on Conan O’Brien’s TBS show that airs at 11p, makes it even better. If this version aired, I bet even more people would’ve watched it on OWN!


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