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New Kids on the Block give us a history lesson of Boy Bands!
March 1st, 2019 under Debbie Gibson/ Tiffany, NKOTB. [ Comments: none ]

Back in the late ’80s, New Kids on the Block was the biggest Boy Band of the time. They were not the first one and they are certainly not the last. NKOTB are very aware of that fact, so their latest single is a history of the genre.

In the music video, the Boys in the Band show us how the dances and the styles change throughout the decades. Some were better than others, but there was one thing they all have in common. Unconditional fans.

Who will always be your favorite boy band? While you are thinking of an answer to that question, can you tell me what is up with Debbie Gibson’s voice?


When did Donnie Wahlberg get so old?
February 27th, 2019 under NKOTB. [ Comments: none ]

I watch Blues Bloods every week, and I thought that Donnie Wahlberg looked the same as when the show debuted in 2010. That was until he posted this photo of himself yesterday looking a lot older. Like 20 years older.

So why does he no longer have the right stuff for us calendar girls? It is for NKOTB’s newest music video Boys in the Band that premieres on Friday. I cannot wait to see how well or bad the other members of Old, I mean, New Kids on the Block aged.

When it comes to Wahlberg, I think he is going to be a sexy senior citizen if that is a glimpse of his future.


Can you spot Donnie and Mark Wahlberg in this old family photo?
October 24th, 2018 under Marky Mark, NKOTB. [ Comments: none ]

Mark Wahlberg posted this photo of him with his 8 siblings and I was not able to recognize he and his brother, Donnie Wahlberg, when they just were kids on the block. Click on the photo to see if you had better luck than I did.


Joey McIntyre’s Risky Business
October 23rd, 2018 under NKOTB. [ Comments: none ]

The New Kids on the Block are still on their cruise with their Blockheads and they are having a game ole time. As in they had a game night.

For some reason, Joey McIntyre was dressed like Tom Cruise in Risky Business and I think his fans want to get risky with him. I mean look at those sexy legs! I don’t think he should wear pants anymore at his show. Do you agree?


Andrea Barber gets her ’70s on!
October 23rd, 2018 under Full House, NKOTB. [ Comments: none ]

Andrea Barber is such a fan of New Kids on the Block that she is on their cruise with all the other BlockHeads. You would think the band would be enough of a theme. You are wrong. They had a ’70s night and Kimmy Gibler got all groovy.

Now, I am not saying her current look is bad, but I think this look leisure suits her. Isn’t she giving off a real Chrissy Snow, without her pigtails, vibe? Is she giving you Disco Fever?

On that note, why is NKOTB having a ’70s night if they did not start releasing music until the late ’80s? They should have had an ’80s night.


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