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Have mercy, Full House is getting a sequel on Netflix!
April 20th, 2015 under Full House, Jimmy Kimmel, Netflix. [ Comments: none ]

A few weeks ago there were rumors that Full House was coming back to Netflix and today John Stamos confirmed the news on Jimmy Kimmel Live.
Fuller House, the 13 episode spinoff will center around the recently widowed and pregnant DJ (Candace Cameron Crowe), her two sons, her sister, aspiring singer Stephanie (Jodie Sweetin) and her BFF Kimmy Gibbler (Andrea Barber) and her rebellious teenage daughter.
According to Uncle Jesse, the first episode will start off as a reunion and Danny giving the house to his oldest daughter. From then it will be about her journey with the above.
When Kimmel asked him if the other cast members would also be back, he said he hopes so. Knowing how close this cast still is today, I expect all the men to be back. I would be surprised if the Olsen Twins returned, but what else are they doing?
Now when it comes to spinoff that’s debuting in 2016, I would be more excited if was about Uncle Jesse, Danny and Joey. That’s who I really cared about from the show. Maybe Netflix would consider giving them a second sequel???


From Crazy Eyes to Bitchy Eyes!
March 9th, 2015 under Netflix. [ Comments: none ]

Orange is the New Black’s Natasha Lyonne and Uzo Aduba took part in Night of Too Many Stars yesterday and this photo of them with Ronan Farrow in the background is absolutely epic! If ever there was a Lifetime Achievement Award for best acting with their eyes, Uzo Aduba should get it. Right after Marty Feldman gets it posthumously.
Seriously though, isn’t she amazing with the ability she has to make her eyes speak louder than words?


OINTB’s Lea DeLaria schools us on Lesbian sex!
August 5th, 2014 under Conan O'Brien, Netflix. [ Comments: none ]

The cast of Netflix’s Orange Is the New Black were on Conan O’Brien’s show yesterday and the TBS late night host wanted to know more about a story he heard. Basically during season one Natasha Lyonne asked Lea DeLaria how to have sex with a woman. So Big Boo told her to, “Look for the keys. Look for the keys. Judy Garland. Look for the keys. Look for the keys. Judy Garland. Joan Crawford!” as she demonstrated it. Even though she was giving us a lady on lady on lesson, I think you boys can learn something from her class too.
So ladies and gentlemen, the next time you are in bed with a woman remember to lose your keys, so you can send her Somewhere Over the Rainbow. If you do it right, then she will be screaming out “Mommie Dearest! Mommie Dearest!!!” in ecstasy.
That answer was too much for Conan, it actually caused him to have crazy eyes that were certifiable.
Finally, I think Netflix screwed up by giving Chelsea Handler a talk show when they already have the perfect person to do it on their roster. I honestly think Lea DeLaria needs a talk show where she do and say whatever she wants! Who else would watch it with me?


Does Chelsea Handler’s Netflix talk show make you want to binge or purge?
June 19th, 2014 under Netflix. [ Comments: 1 ]

Chelsea Handler announced a few months ago that she is quitting her talk show on E! and today Netflix announced she will be doing one for them starting in 2016. Wait you can’t go a year without her? You don’t have to! That’s because her comedy special, Uganda Be Kidding Me, will air in October. Then in 2015, she will have four docudramas on the InterNetwork. Those specials will feature her learning about things ranging from NASCAR to politics and from Silicon Valley to the NBA draft. I know some other things she can learn about, like how to be funny. What? I watched her show for like a month and I realized she was the only unfunny thing about it. And while she is at it, she should go to a vocal coach to make her voice less annoying. Even Fran Drescher’s voice is more tolerable.
I just thought of something positive about her landing a show on Netflix, it is official she won’t be replacing Craig Ferguson on The Late Late Show.
So are you excited that she got another talk show or are you like me and wish she was silenced?


Crazy Eyes auditions for most of Orange is the New Black’s roles!
June 12th, 2014 under Netflix. [ Comments: none ]

Orange is the New Black is back with all new episodes on Netflix, and Funny Or Die uncovered a shocking video from before the arresting series began. Udo Aduba captured our hearts by playing Crazy Eyes, but imagine her as Piper, Alex, Poussey or Red. Well you don’t have to anymore because in the above video you will see her audition for a bunch of the roles that she didn’t get. Which surprises me because she is a better Alex than Laura Prepon. Which role do you think she did better than the person who landed the part that she didn’t?


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