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Hide your children. Barney’s back!
February 13th, 2023 under Mattel. [ Comments: none ]

Just when you thought it was safe for your preschool kids to watch television, comes word that Barney is coming back.

Mattel Television is bringing back the purple dinosaur that convinced us that we love him as an animated series in 2024.

But it doesn’t stop there. The franchise will also span film and YouTube content, music, and a full range of kids’ products, including toys, books, clothing, and more.

Don’t worry, adults who grew up watching Barney. Mattel says they are coming up with apparel and accessories just for us. So now we can match our kids’ outfits. I am sure they are going to love that just as much as we are going to love hearing I Love You song again.

I love you, you love me, we’re a happy family, is already stuck in my head. Are you hearing it too?


BTWF: Kurt Russell for Mattel Agent Zero M Sonic Blaster
June 23rd, 2022 under Before They Were Famous, Kurt Russell, Mattel. [ Comments: none ]

Before Kurt Russell spent most of Escape from New York shooting real guns, he was learning how to shoot with Mattel Agent Zero M Sonic Blaster. How cute was the 12-year-old in that 1964 ad?


Who asked for a Hot Wheels movie?
April 25th, 2022 under JJ Abrams, Mattel. [ Comments: none ]

When I was a kid, Hot Wheels were a thing. But I don’t think they are anymore. Cars are not cool like they used to be back in the days when I was growing up. Now, automobiles are built for convenience and not to get laid. Well, the guys who drive the ones to get laid are assumed, by me, to have small penises.

Anyways, I guess Mattle wants to make Hot Wheels a thing again, so they are making a live-action movie with J.J. Abrams, according to Deadline.

What the plot of the film is going to be, we do not know as of yet. I just don’t know what Bad Robot can do with it, and I don’t really care. However, it will be interesting to see if the kids care because at the end of the day, that is all that matters.

Having said that, do you care?


How are they going to make a View-Master movie?
February 28th, 2019 under Mattel, Movies. [ Comments: none ]

When I was a kid I enjoyed looking into View-Master, but it is so last century. No offense, but cheap VR boxes are more hip and they suck.

Anyways, as much as I love the ancient artifact, I never saw it being made into a movie. In fact, I still don’t. While that is me and probably millions of other people, we are not MGM and Mattel Films. That is because The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that they are working on doing a live-action movie about the toy. How? Why?

Oh wait, I can see it now (no pun intended). The viewer can be sucked into the View-Master and experience whatever they viewing. Kind of like Jumanji, I guess.

Back to the film, it is in the early stages. So early they do not have a writer or a director, therefore maybe it will not get made. Yet, somehow I just talked myself into wanting to see it get produced.


Who won The Toy Box?
May 20th, 2017 under ABC, Mattel. [ Comments: none ]
If you are like me, then you wanted Arya Ball to win The Toy Box ever since the season premiere. But the winner of the reality competition came in the final episode and it was 3D Liquid Art. While it is a cool toy and I can see kids enjoying, I don’t think of art projects when I think of Mattel. When I think of Mattel, I think of Barbie, Hot Wheels and board games.

On that note, another one of the toys from the last episode is also being produced by Toys”R”Us; and it didn’t even make it to the finale. That card game is Noisy Persons. I have played card games like Apples to Apples and Cards Against Humanity with my friends and I look forward to playing this one with their girls. I can totally see kids enjoying this, plus it also helps them with reading. And in Burbank, it teaches them acting! Which is a prerequisite in school. Joking.

And on a sweet note, even though Candy Crusher didn’t win the show, it is still being sold by the toy store under the name Sweet Shaper.

Hard to believe of these three, that Wiggies and My Ballerina Doll weren’t picked up Mattel. The former seems so up their alley. Maybe someone else would consider it for their dolls like Bratz.

Now when it comes to the show in general, I am OK with it not coming back. At least if it does, they need to get rid of Eric Stonestreet. He is the worst game show host ever. Instead of calming the contestants down before they would go in front of the judges, he would make them more nervous or tell an unfunny joke. In fact, he was more immature than half of the kids on the panel. You know which 2 I am talking about. I just won’t name them because I don’t want to diss a kid, just the kid who never grew up. Shark Tank works without a host and if The Toy Box comes back, which I doubt, they need to do the same. Or replace the Modern Family star.

What did you think of the show? What did you think of him? What did you think of the winner?


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