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Living with the Enemy is an intriguing social experiment!
July 9th, 2015 under Lifetime. [ Comments: none ]
Tonight at 10p, Lifetime finds out what happens if you force two polar opposites to live together for 8 days. Each week, Living with the Enemy will have two people with different opinions on subjects that they are passionate about spend 4 days living in one person’s house and the next 4 in the other person’s. They will tackle issues like Proud to be Fat vs a Fitness Addict, a Strict Mom vs a Lax Mom and a Meat Eater vs a Vegan to name a few. Each person is dead set in their ways, but are they willing to listen to the other person when they can’t escape them?
Tonight they have Kristy Love who is a Big Beautiful Woman and she loves her body, all 335 lbs of it. Michel Marley is a fitness guru and she HATES fat people.
Love moves in with Marley and her four children, and immediately Marley fat shames her. Marley keeps telling Love that she is going to die because she is so fat and forces Love to work out and eat the food she is eating. While they are eating dinner together, Love asks one of Marley’s daughter if she likes the food and the girl says no. It is then that Love points out, that this girl might grow up to have an eating disorder. Love feels that her mom is forcing her eating habits on her daughter and that might lead to a lot of consequences between the mother and the daughter.
As the women get to know each other, Love explains that issues with her mother is why she is the way she is. Then while they are talking, Love finds out that Marley has no friends, she shuts them out if they don’t meet her weight standards. In fact, at one point during the show, Marley says she doesn’t need friends because they will interfere with her working out schedule.
Now it is time for them to travel to Love’s house. Love wants Marley to hang with her friends who are big and beautiful like her. Marley starts to go off on them because they are fat and tries to make them feel bad about themselves. Thankfully, they don’t listen to her.
Marley keeps telling Love she is going to die, so they go to a doctor who checks her out to see if that is true. What the doctor says shocks Marley more, but it all goes in one ear and out the other.
Next up, Love invites Marley to take part in a photoshoot together. Love wears an outfit that shows off a lot of skin, while Marley wears a cute little black dress. While Love is taking pictures, Marley is taping her stomach to make herself look even skinnier than she already is. That’s right the skinny woman, feels the need to make herself look even skinnier.
Then Love takes Marley on a date with her and boyfriend and things get so heated between them that Marley starts saying “Oink, oink,” to the happy couple.
It all concludes with a final confrontation between the women that leads to Love kicking Marley out of her house.
Neither woman really took anything away from the experience, but we will. You see that both extremes are not the best, as we strive to remain in the middle. And yes, you will pick sides because how can you not.
Can Love afford to lose a few pounds? Yes, and Marley can certainly afford to find them.
In an upcoming episode a mom of four acts more like a friend to her kids, while another mom is more like a drill sergeant to her kids. It is interesting to see their different parenting styles and I am sure we are all going to side with the same parent because I can’t think of anyone who would want the other one as a mom.
These are just two of the episodes and I can’t wait to see the other 4 that they have completed. They include Same-Sex vs Traditional Marriage, Porn Star vs Anti-Porn Advocate and Anti-Polygamy vs. Multiple Wives.
I really hope this show does well because I want to see this show comeback for a second season. Mainly because I want to see the Liberal vs the Tea Party Member episode. What confrontation would you like to see?
Before we get to see what we want, we have to watch what they have. Tune in for a really interesting reality show that will make you change your opinion about something you thought you knew. Watching two extremists go at it, is the best way to get you to form an opinion.


A Deadly Adoption gives birth to a longer trailer!
June 15th, 2015 under Frat Pack, Lifetime. [ Comments: none ]
This Saturday night at 8p be prepared to have your world rocked by A Deadly Adoption on Lifetime. The telemovie stars Will Ferrell, Kristen Wiig and Jessica Lowndes and it is yet to be determined if it is a comedy or a drama. What seems to be evident is that the comedic actors had a great time getting serious for it. Maybe the two actors, who are consistently nominated but never winners, will finally win an award for their work in it.
Seriously, doesn’t it look like the ultimate Lifetime movie?
Finally, who else is blown away by Hidden Citizen’s version of Mike & the Mechanics’ Silent Runnings? I never thought that song would work like that, but it is actually better that way than the original.


The first look at Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig’s Lifetime movie!
June 11th, 2015 under Frat Pack, Lifetime, Will Ferrell. [ Comments: 3 ]

Even since April 1st, people have been talking about the fact that Will Ferrell and Kristen Wiig made a movie for Lifetime. As soon as it was announced, the two denied it and said they were no longer making it because the news had been leaked. Then a few weeks ago the rumors started again and today the network released the teaser trailer for A Secret Adoption.
So is it a comedy or a drama? It’s hard to tell from those :30 seconds. Let’s see if the description from the press releases gives us more answers. They wrote, “Inspired by a true story, A Deadly Adoption is a high-stakes dramatic thriller about a successful couple (Ferrell and Wiig) who house and care for a pregnant woman (Jessica Lowndes, 90210) during the final months of her pregnancy with the hopes of adopting her unborn child.” That didn’t help. I guess we will just have to tune in June 20th to find out.


The Full House biopic photos makes you wish they’d cut it out!
June 4th, 2015 under Full House, Lifetime. [ Comments: none ]

The first cast photos are out for Lifetime’s The Unauthorized Full House Story and if there weren’t kids in it, it would like the pornady version of Full House. I mean it’s so cheap looking, it looks like the basic cable version of the show. Shall I go on?
Seriously though, even though it looks horrible and there’s no need for a scandalous movie about a squeaky clean cast, I can’t wait to see it on August 22nd. Are you going to watch it with me?


The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe shouldn’t be kept a secret!
May 30th, 2015 under Lifetime. [ Comments: none ]
The Secret Life of Marilyn Monroe is going to be told tonight and tomorrow at 8p on Lifetime and you don’t want to miss this bioflick!
Tonight’s episode starts off with her visiting a doctor and telling him all about her life. Marilyn Monroe (Kelli Garner) starts from the beginning of her life when she used to go by Norma Jean. You see a young girl taken away from her mother (Susan Sarandon) who is mentally ill. The dreamer goes from foster home to foster home, until one day she is married off to save her from the system. As soon as she can, she tries to get into the movie business. The rest of tonight shows you how hard she had to work to become the actress we know her as today.
Tomorrow, we learn about her love life with Joe DiMaggio (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), Arthur Miller (Stephen Bogaert) and the Kennedys. While looking at the men that were in love with her, you start to see her slipping away and becoming dependent on drugs an alcohol. Those substances lead to her early demise at the early age of 36.
Marilyn’s story has been told time and time again, but this one is different than the rest. I feel like in this one you get to know her the best. I think because it focused so much on the first part of her life as compared to just focusing as her life as a star. The other thing that makes this movie so lovable is that is exactly how Kelli Garner plays her. Monroe was loved and I think Garner captured that essence of her the most out of all of the other actresses who have played her in the past.
Lifetime has been plagued with some really hideous biopics in recent years, and The Secret Life of Marilyn looks to be turning things around for the network.


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