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Lea Michele showed Jonathan Groff her whole vagina
April 25th, 2022 under Jonathan Groff, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

For some reason, HBO thinks we want to see a reunion of the cast from Spring Awakening. Therefore, on May 3rd, the network is airing the documentary Spring Awakening: Those You’ve Known.

According to People, were are going to learn a lot about the stars. You might even say we are getting too much information from Lea Michele and Jonathan Groff. That is because the actress shared how close they were/are.

How close? You are going to regret asking that question. Groff, who was in the closet at the time, was nervous if he was going to be able to pull off his love scenes with Michele. The two became very close as they worked on the Broadway play. So close that the Glee star admits, “He was like, ‘I’ve never seen a woman’s vagina before. Would you show me?’ And I was like, ‘Sure.’ And I took a desk lamp … and showed him. That’s how close we are…. But I’ve never seen Jonathan naked. I’ve never seen his penis.”

Speechless is all I am after that reveal. And speechless is what I wish Michele was because some things are better unsaid, and that is definitely on the list. Mostly because it is all about me, and I am picturing her sitting on a table, pulling down her underwear, grabbing the lamp, and telling him to look with her legs spread eagle. Hey, I am not suffering alone!


Lea Michele’s transformation into Idina Menzel is complete
March 7th, 2021 under Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Lea Michele is a mom now, so that means it is time to get the mom bob. Her formerly long hair now only reaches her shoulders, just like Idina Menzel. Put those two in the same room, and I would not be able to tell them apart. Would you be able to do it?


Lea Michele’s son is giving her so much glee
August 23rd, 2020 under Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Lea Michele/Instagram

Lea Michele became a mom on August 20th. She and her husband, Zandy Reich, are the proud parents of a baby boy that they named Ever Leo.

“Everyone’s happy and healthy, and they’re extremely grateful,” a source told People. “[Ever]’s been an easy baby so far.”

This is the first child for the couple who got married in March 2019.

It is nice to report on happy news from someone from Glee, and not another death.


Heather Morris says Lea Michele was ‘unpleasant’ to work with
June 3rd, 2020 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Two days ago, Samantha Marie Ware said that Lea Michele made her life a ‘living hell’ on Glee. Today, Heather Morris confirmed on social media that it was “unpleasant” to work with her on the set.

Let me be very clear, Hate is a disease in America that we are trying to cure, so I would never wish for hate to be spread to anyone else. With that said, was she unpleasant to work with? Very much so; for Lea to treat others with the disrespect that she did for as long as she did, I believe she SHOULD be called out. And yet, it’s also on us because to allow it to go on for so long without speaking out is something else we’re learning along with the rest of society. But, at the current moment its implied that she is a racist and although I cannot comment on her beliefs, I think we’re assuming, and you know what happens when we all assume…

I can’t wait for Naya Rivera to break her silence. After all, it was rumored that Rivera and Michele hated each other so much that they didn’t talk during the final season of the show.

Michele posted an apology before Morris’ post. I wonder if she will do another one.


Lea Michele apologizes after being called out by her Glee co-stars!
June 3rd, 2020 under Glee, Lea Michele. [ Comments: none ]

Lea Michele/Instagram

On Monday, Lea Michele’s Glee co-star Samantha Marie Ware called out Rachel Berry for making her life ‘a living hell’ on the musical dramedy. After Ware sent out the tweet, several co-stars including Alex Newell and Amber Riley confirmed that Michele made their lives hell too.

This morning, after losing a sponsorship deal with HelloFresh, Michele wrote a length apology:

One of the most important lessons of the last few weeks is that we need to take the time to listen and learn about other people’s perspectives and any role we have played or anything we can do to help address the injustices that they face. When I tweeted the other day, it was meant to be a show of support for our friends and neighbors and communities of color during this really difficult time, but the responses I received to what I posted have made me also focus specifically on how my own behavior towards fellow cast members was perceived by them.

While I don’t remember ever making this specific statement and I have never judged others by their background or color of their skin, that’s not really the point, what matters is that I clearly acted in ways which hurt other people. Whether it was my privileged position and perspective that caused me to be perceived as insensitive or inappropriate at times or whether it was just my immaturity and me just being unnecessarily difficult, I apologize for my behavior and for any pain which I have caused. We all can grow and change and I have definitely used these past several months to reflect on my own shortcomings.

I am a couple of months from becoming a mother and I know I need to keep working to better myself and take responsibility for my actions, so that I can be a real role model for my child and so I can pass along my lessons and mistakes, so that they can learn from me. I listened to these criticisms and I am learning and while I am very sorry, I will be better in the future from this experience.

Do you believe she has changed or these are just words to save her career?


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