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Are Kim Kardashian and Kanye West into kinky stuff?
June 8th, 2015 under Kanye West, The Kardashians. [ Comments: 3 ]

Kim Kardashian posted a photo of herself with Kanye West strapped down in a blindfold, so are they into doing kinky things in the bedroom? We don’t know for sure because that was just her taking him to his birthday surprise at Staples Center.


Did Family Guy know about Caitlyn Jenner in 2009?
June 5th, 2015 under Caitlyn Jenner, Seth MacFarlane, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]
via WOW and Snopes
Up until a few months ago we didn’t know Caitlyn Jenner was living in Bruce, but it seems like Family Guy has known about since 2009. The animated sitcom made fun of him back then when Stewie said, “Brody Jenner, what a douchebag. I can’t believe THAT came out of Bruce Jenner’s vagina.” Brian responded by saying, “Bruce Jenner is a man.” Then Stewie scolded his four-legged friend, “No Brian. That’s what the press would have you believe, but he’s not. Bruce Jenner is a woman. An elegant, beautiful Dutch woman!”
Just think, 5 years later the press would change their tune and report that Bruce Jenner is indeed a woman. Who knew? Seth MacFarlane and his crew knew, that’s who.
If that is not enough proof that they knew, here’s another clip from the show hinting they knew something we didn’t until now! I wonder who told them???

Probably a Fox executive because Married…with Children had people confusing Marcy for Bruce Jenner.
Oh wait, Linda Thompson and her two sons with her ex-husband, Bruce Jenner, had a reality show on Fox for two episode, wonder if someone let it slip back then. Things that make you go hmmmmmmmm? Although, MWC was off the air by 2005, so maybe not? There’s goes my theory.


Caitlin Jenner is the new normal!
June 3rd, 2015 under Caitlyn Jenner, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]
E! released the first promo for Caitlyn’s docuseries I Am Cait and you can tell how happy she is to finally be free. To experience her new normal which in returns becomes our new normal.
I can’t wait to see her go on her journey starting on July 26th.


Hello Caitlyn Jenner!!!
June 1st, 2015 under Caitlyn Jenner, Melissa Gilbert, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

The cover everyone has been waiting for is finally here, Bruce Jenner debuted Her and Caitlyn Jenner is absolutely beautiful. I mean she is f*cking gorgeous. I’d go as far to say I have a female crush on Her. She is a perfect mix of Jessica Lange and Rene Russo and Cindy Crawford and Courteney Cox and Melissa Gilbert all rolled into one stunning classy woman, a woman us women dream of looking like every day. Wooza!
When I heard she was going to be on the cover of Vanity Fair, I was afraid that she wouldn’t be that pretty. Thankfully, I was completely wrong. She is so much prettier and more feminine than all of those Kardashian ladies put together.
Seriously, all I can say is wooza! Wooza, wooza, wooza!
How would you describe Caitlyn Jenner?!?


Kim Kardashian and Kanye West are breeding again
May 31st, 2015 under The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]
The good news is we no longer have to hear about how Kim Kardashian is trying to get pregnant again, the bad news for us is that she is pregnant again. That means we are going to hear everything and anything about her second pregnancy.
How far along is she? Far enough along that it could be included in the promo for the second half of the Keeping Up with the Kardashians that aired tonight on E! after the season finale.


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