Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Kevin Hart
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Why did Kevin Hart tell Jimmy Fallon, ‘Go f*ck yourself’?
October 14th, 2016 under Jimmy Fallon, Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]

One time when Kevin Hart was on The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon took him on a roller coaster ride much to displeasure of the comedian. Yesterday, when he was on the NBC late night show, the host took him the scariest Haunted House in NY and scared sh!tless they were. So much so, Hart even admitted that he farted which in translation means you know what.
Was the What Now star upset over being taken to a scary place? Considering he told his friend to go f*ck himself, I would think so. I wonder what torture Fallon will put him through next? I know I can’t wait to find out.


What can make Kevin Hart’s voice even higher?
October 13th, 2016 under Kevin Hart, Sean Evans Hot Ones. [ Comments: none ]

As we know Kevin Hart has a high voice and turns out it gets even higher if he eats Buffalo Wings. The other day he sat down with First We Feast and as he was being interviewed by them he ate several hot wings that got hotter with each one. It started off pretty easy in the jalapeno range, and he couldn’t even handle that. What happens when he gets to the habanero level on the scale? You just have to see him suffer to find out.
xoxo Ben!


Watch Jimmy Fallon eat a cricket!
October 13th, 2016 under Jimmy Fallon, Kevin Hart. [ Comments: 5 ]

Jimmy Fallon challenged Kevin Hart to a game of Would You Rather and The Tonight Show host regretted playing that game. Not just because he lost, but because of the prize he got for losing. He either had to pick up several squirming worms for 10 seconds or eat a cricket. The NBC late night host chose the latter and his face says it all. Even though he swallowed the bug, anyone who has eaten one knows their little legs get stuck between your teeth. It is the gift that keeps on giving.


The Rock has a Kevin Hart on his back!
October 10th, 2016 under Kevin Hart, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

A video posted by therock (@therock) on

Ever since The Rock and Kevin Hart started working together, they have made competing Instagram videos. That all changed this weekend when they found themselves harnessed together for hours on the set of Jumanji all in the name of comedy.
During a scene in the movie, the big Johnson is seen giving the little Hart a piggy back ride through the jungle. Instead of having DJ carry his friend around for hours, they created a contraption to make it easier on them. Instead it made it harder. Thankfully for Duane, Hart didn’t get hard because his penis aka moose knuckle was in The Rock’s back!
The sacrifices actor’s make to make us laugh!


Kevin Hart gets under Conan O’Brien’s a$$!
September 30th, 2016 under Conan O'Brien, Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]

Conan O’Brien and Kevin Hart worked out together, but we are the ones who really got the work out because it is a nonstop laugh riot.
We have seen them together before in a car, but those times they had Ice Cube with them. Fresh off of doing his standup in front of 43,000 people in a football stadium, he went with the TBS host to a cross fit gym and had an audience of one. But since Conan is so tall, it was like two people. When it comes to working out he is like one person and Hart is like two. ‘
Either way, this is going to be the funniest thing you are going to see all days because they are such opposites and they say opposites attract.


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