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Kevin Hart goes from Night School to a real high school with Jimmy Fallon
September 20th, 2018 under Jimmy Fallon, Kevin Hart, Steve Irwin. [ Comments: none ]
Kevin Hart’s new movie Night School comes out next Friday, and he is promoting it in New York City this week. One of his stops was on The Tonight Show and he and Jimmy Fallon had a lot of fun yesterday.

Before they did the show, they took back to real old school as in high school. The two of them spent the day taking classes like algebra, biology, lunch and gym. How did they do? They would have been left back to kindergarten if the teachers had their way.

While that was before the show, it got better when the two of them were on set together. The first thing they did was have Hart call his BFF The Rock. Since DJ knew who was calling, he did not pick up. Can you blame in? Then the NBC host tried to facetime Dwayne Johnson. As soon as DJ saw it was Fallon, he picked up. Hart’s reaction is awesome.

But not as awesome as when Robert Irwin, Steve Irwin’s son, brought out several animals like snakes and birds. Hart is afraid of everything and I do mean everything. Watch the video all the way through because, at the very end, he actually touches one of the animals. I think you can actually see him poop in his pants. I am not faulting him because I would have done the same thing.

I love when Kevin Hart has a movie out because all of his talk show appearances make me laugh out loud. He is willing to do anything to promote his films and I do mean anything. Hopefully next week, his co-star Tiffany Haddish and him will to the talk show circuit together. Can you imagine how outrageously funny that will be?

To see the other two videos, then click here!


Neither rain nor shine will stop Kevin Hart from promoting his movie
September 18th, 2018 under Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]


Kevin Hart is NYC promoting his movie Night School. Only problem is that it is raining cats and dogs and he is doing it outside.

Is he upset about it? He said, “In the pouring rain with my team promoting OUR movie….It starts from the top….if I’m not bitching & complaining nobody should be…WE all want this movie to work. I F*CKING LOVE MY TEAM….There is no me without them!!!!!”

Did it work? It got me promoting it, and I am sure not the only one. I cannot wait to see it when it comes out next Friday.


Tiffany Haddish farts in Kevin Hart’s face in Night School!
August 20th, 2018 under Kevin Hart, Tiffany Haddish. [ Comments: none ]

There is a new trailer out for Night School and I give it an A+. Mostly because I am a sadist and I love seeing Tiffany Haddish beat the crap out of Kevin Hart over and over again.

We are used to seeing him do buddy films with men like The Rock and Ice Cube, that it will be nice to see him do one with a female. Especially one who is as hysterical as Haddish. She is probably his toughest co-star because she can easily out-funny him.

While Hart’s movies are funny, the press tour he does for them is even funnier. I cannot see what he and Haddish do to promote their film that comes out on September 28th.


Kevin Hart is smaller than I thought
July 2nd, 2018 under Kevin Hart. [ Comments: none ]

We know that Kevin Hart is not the tallest actor in Hollywood, but it seems that he might be even smaller than we thought.

Here is the actor posing with his birthday card and he is even shorter than it is. We have all gotten greeting cards and we know that they can fit in the mailbox. Looks like the comedian can too. Imagine getting him in the mail? In the words of Elvis Pressley, return to sender!

If you still want to send him a card, then you have until Friday because that is when he turns 39.


Who has an uglier baby, The Rock or Kevin Hart?
May 1st, 2018 under Kevin Hart, The Rock. [ Comments: none ]

In the last 6 months, both Kevin Hart and The Rock welcomed babies. In November, Hart became a father to his second son, Kenzo Kash and last month Dwayne Johnson said hello to his third daughter, Tiana.

While both of them have been sharing photos of their newborns, I never realized until now how much each of their kids looks exactly like the other one. You know, they have made so many movies together that maybe their baby mamas got them confused on the night of conception. I mean they look so much, no they don’t. They are complete opposites in every way.

When it comes to who has the uglier baby? I love you DJ, but man you are one fugly baby.


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