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BTWF modeling: Nicole Kidman on Dolly Magazine
December 19th, 2016 under Graham Norton, Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

via The Graham Norton Show
Before Nicole Kidman was gracing all the covers of magazines for her acting roles, she was on the cover of Dolly Magazine during her modeling career days. How stunning was the 15 year old on that 1983 cover?


Keith Urban was told to get out of Country music when he was 9
April 1st, 2015 under Conan O'Brien, Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

Long before Keith Urban was judging singers on American Idol, he was a contestant on a talent competition back when was 9. Yesterday on Conan, he told the TBS host about his experience.
His parents told him to go on a show called Pot of Gold and he sang a Country song on it. When he was done, it was time to be judged. Bernard King told the kid, “I desperately encourage you to escape the mediocrity, get out of Country Western and get into some real music.” Then the judge added, “Otherwise, you will end up sounding like Dolly Parton and absolutely useless.”
Imagine if he took that judge’s advice, we probably wouldn’t know he is, he wouldn’t be married to Nicole Kidman and most importantly he wouldn’t be judging American Idol. Would that have been bad thing?


Nicole Kidman thought Jimmy Fallon was gay after their failed date
January 7th, 2015 under Jimmy Fallon, Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

Many many many years ago, before Nicole Kidman was married; she kind of went on a date with Jimmy Fallon. Only problem is that he didn’t know that until she told him about it on The Tonight Show yesterday.
You see, they have a mutual friend, and, she told him that she liked the NBC host. So he called his friend and told him that he is bringing Nicole Kidman over to his apartment. What happened next was such a turn off to the Oscar winner, that she thought he was gay because he didn’t seem interested in her. You have to listen to them tell the story about what could’ve been. It is so endearing because it is so embarrassing for both of them. See celebrities have bad dates just like you and me.
To make matters worse for Fallon, he found out after the show that his wife dated Keith Urban who is now married to the woman he might’ve been married to if he played his videogames right. Poor Jimmy, I don’t know how much worse it could get for him. Maybe if he found out that he was up for Ethan Hunt’s role in Mission Impossible, but they decided to go with that unknown Tom Cruise instead. Now that I think about it, Kidman kind of has a look that she goes for because Cruise and Fallon kind of look alike.


BTWF talent shows: Keith Urban on New Faces
May 1st, 2014 under Before They Were Famous, Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

via Closer Magazine
Before Keith Urban was a judge on American Idol critiquing the singers, he was a competitor on New Faces getting critiqued roughly. How amazing was the 16 year old back in 1983 singing Air Supply’s All Out of Love?


Keith Urban finally looks good in shirt!
November 26th, 2013 under Keith & Nicole Urban. [ Comments: none ]

Keith Urban has pretty much had the same haircut since he came to the US, but now he finally got a haircut that frames his face. The American Idol judge is finally looking like the idol he is. Well at least from the side view and I am sure he looks just as good from the front.


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