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Justin Hartley can’t ice skate
April 10th, 2019 under Jimmy Fallon, Justin Hartley, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]

We know Justin Hartley can do a lot of things, but there is one thing he cannot do. That thing is ice skate.

The actor told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show yesterday that he is filming a new movie called The Exchange where he is playing a former hockey player. One of the requirements for the role is ice skating. Something he has never done before. He thought it would be easy because he is athletic. They even gave him a three-hour lesson and he thought he could master it in 30 minutes.

Then he got on the ice and well, it was not for him. He shared a video of him during hour three and even three-year-olds can do better that. I did.

Hey, he lives in LA and we have an ice skating rink in Burbank for like a month out of the year. It is not a skill we need unless we are filming a movie.

What did the director do about his lack of gracefulness on the ice? They pulled him around so it looks like he was doing it. Only we know he wasn’t. That is why they say that acting is make-believe.

You know, at least he has a lot of other talents to fall back on. If he ever goes skating again, he might fall back on that too, as in fall backwards on his ass. Poor Justin.


Hey Justin Hartley, are you stuffing your boxers with dollar bills?
October 23rd, 2017 under Ellen DeGeneres, In Your Pocket?, Justin Hartley, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]

Ellen DeGeneres has been coming up with interesting ways for celebrities to help her donate $10,000 each episode during October to the Breast Cancer Foundation. Her latest idea was to put Justin Hartley in a booth that blows air up and collect as much hard cash as he can in his boxers within :30 seconds. How did the This Is Us star? His crotch definitely caught my eye because he had more green in there than a male stripper on a good Saturday night.

Sorry, back to the money. Ellen was too lazy to count, so Ulta Beauty just rounded up to $10,000 like his boxers were rounding out in front and in back! It was very distracting!

To see him collect all that dough, then click here!


Is Justin Hartley in training for that push up scene?
October 20th, 2017 under Justin Hartley, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]

A post shared by Justin Hartley (@justinhartley) on

Remember last season on This Is Us, one of the most iconic moments was when Jack did push ups with his prepubescent son his back? Then the older actors shared videos of them doing the same thing with their castmates on their backs? Well yesterday, Justin Hartley shared a video of himself holding several heavy weights on his back and you have to wonder if he is prepping for another round of emotional push ups on the show? Who do you think he would have his back?


BTWF ads: Justin Hartley for Miller Beer
October 17th, 2017 under Before They Were Famous, Justin Hartley, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]
Before Justin Hartley did not have a problem getting the ladies on This Is Us, he did have hard time getting with a woman who was drinking Miller Bear. He looks the same now as he did when he was 25 in that 2002 ad.


Justin Hartley says This Is Us’ season 2 premiere is the best episode yet!
June 29th, 2017 under Justin Hartley, Kathie Lee and Hoda, This Is Us. [ Comments: none ]

Justin Hartley got his hands on the script for the season premiere of This Is Us yesterday and he told Hoda Kotb today on Today that “I think it might be the best one. I am not even sure it is close. I think it is the best one so far.”

He could not or would not say anymore because if he did he would get fired. But the one thing he did reveal is that we will find out how Jack dies at some point during season 2. Which is interesting because his TV mother Mandy Moore said we would find out during the first episode. Who is right? We will have to tune in on September 26th to find out. I know I will be there watching with at least 2 boxes of tissues.


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