Will the third time be the charm for Jodie Sweeten? |
January 17th, 2022 under Full House, Jodie Sweetin. [ Comments: 4 ]
2022 has been full ups and down for Jodie Sweeten, and the new year isn’t even three weeks old. The year started off with her losing Bob Saget, a man who was like her father to her.
Then, Mescal Wasilewski, her boyfriend of almost three years, asked her to marry him, and she said yes. The Full House star wrote this with the photo, “I love you Mescal, for always. You’re my person. I can’t wait to see the life that lies ahead for us. Here’s to us, @ghostfacelito and our life of adventures. Together.”
Their next adventure is her 40th birthday on Wednesday.
This will be her third marriage. She was previously married to Cody Herpin and Morty Coyle, and she has a daughter from each man. Hopefully, her third wedding will be the charm.
The Full House cast reworks their show’s opening |
April 8th, 2020 under Coronavirus, Full House, Jodie Sweetin, John Stamos. [ Comments: none ]
Celebrities are trying to get the word out that we need to stay home during the Coronavirus pandemic and the Full House cast is the latest one to do so.
John Stamos, Bob Saget, Dave Coulier, Candace Cameron, Jodie Sweetin, Andrea Barber, and creator Jeff Franklin reshot the show’s opening for today’s tough times.
The Tanners want us to “stay safe and stay home” because “unlike Full House, this will all go away.”
Even after a nuclear war, Full house will still be airing in syndication with I Love Lucy, Leave It to Beaver, Bewitched and I Dream of Jeannie.
Jodie Sweetin went to bed like this |
January 8th, 2019 under Full House, In Bed, Jodie Sweetin. [ Comments: none ]

Celebrities love to share photos of them looking perfect when they wake up in the morning. Jodie Sweetin shared one of herself back in bed after attempting to go to Spin Class. Let’s be honest, her choice is so much better than sweating on a stationary bike.
Plus, it is officially a week after New Year’s Day. If you have not broken all of your resolutions by now, then you are the one in the million.
Jodie Sweetin in bed! |
August 21st, 2017 under Full House, In Bed, Jodie Sweetin. [ Comments: none ]

To all you boys, who grew up watching Full House and had a crush on Stephanie Tanner, here is Jodie Sweetin in bed. She looks so sexy, I doubt any of you boys will want to get out of bed if you know what I mean!
Jodie Sweetin broke a leg |
January 29th, 2017 under Full House, Jodie Sweetin. [ Comments: none ]

You know how they tell actors to break a leg? Well, Jodie Sweetin didn’t quite understand the meaning of that expression. That’s because the Fuller House actress broke her leg and it was not while she was acting. She explained what happened on Instagram, “Well, my day did NOT go as planned!! I was trying to hop a fence to get a little toy that Bea had thrown over it, and on the way back, my dismount sucked. Snapped my ankle and tibia in multiple places and screamed like never before!! So… looks like surgery is in my near future. And probably no tap dancing for a while. But Zoie won all her soccer games and is still going in the next round! #supermom #fencejumpfail #idoallmyownstunts #hopalongcassidy.”
You know she could’ve just told everybody that she broke her leg because she was busy kicking a$$ and taking names. No one would’ve know the difference. But, she went the honest route which is admirable.
Hopefully, she will be tapping again before she knows it.
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