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Castle Rock haunts Hulu tonight
July 24th, 2018 under Hulu, JJ Abrams, Stephen King. [ Comments: none ]
When I heard that J.J. Abrams was doing a series about Stephen King’s fictional town Castle Rock for Hulu, I was excited about it. Then I watched the first four episodes, that begin streaming tonight, and I am not really sure what is going on.

The show starts off with Dale (Terry O’Quinn), the warden of Shawshank State Penitentiary, and it is his last day on the job. He kisses his wife goodbye, drives to the woods, ties a rope around his neck and drives his soon to be headless body into Castle Rock. He is dead, but he lives on as the narrator.

There is a new warden in town and she just found out that her predecessor left a wing of the overcrowded prison empty. When she sends in some guards to check it out, they discover a nameless young man who has been living there. No one knows who The Kid (Bill Skarsgård) is, and he is not telling them.

All they know about him is his first words were, “Henry Deaver” (André Holland). Deaver is a Texas lawyer, who record is pretty deadly. Deadly as in his clients die. When he gets the call from Shawshank, it means going home, a place he rarely goes. When he was 10 years old he went missing in December and after several days he is found unharmed with no memory of what happened. It is one of the town’s mysteries. That and what happened to his father. Some think he killed him, but he does not remember.

Something his mother (Sissy Spacek) is suffering from. She has dementia and he finds out that Alan (Scott Glenn), who found him as a kid, is living with her. Henry does not like him because there is a lot of conflict between the two. Alan also knows more about the town and answers a lot of our questions.

But there are a lot of questions that still need to be answered. While the show starts off really slowly, it does pick up at the end of the 4th episode. I will stick with it, so I suggest you do it.


The force is strong with J.J. Abrams again
September 12th, 2017 under JJ Abrams, Star Wars. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, Star Wars announced that it was parting ways with Colin Trevorrow as the director of Star Wars: Episode IX and today they announced his replacement. They said, “J.J. Abrams, who launched a new era of Star Wars with The Force Awakens in 2015, is returning to complete the sequel trilogy as writer and director of Star Wars: Episode IX. Abrams will co-write the film with Chris Terrio.”

I do not know why he did not direct Star Wars: The Last Jedi and this movie in the first place? He did a great job with the Episode VII, so I do not know why they decided to try other people. Especially since Disney seems to be having a problem with directors directing their movies? Abrams is one of the rare ones, with a penis, that seems to be getting it right for them.

How do you feel about Abrams coming back to direct the final Star Wars movie?

UPDATE: Due to the change of directors, Disney announced that Star Wars: Episode 9 will be delayed 7 months. Instead of coming out in May 2019, it will be released on December 20, 2019. Which makes more sense to me because it should be a Christmas release.


Billie Lourd owes her acting career to J.J. Abrams
September 12th, 2017 under Ellen DeGeneres, JJ Abrams. [ Comments: none ]

Back when J.J. Abrams was casting Star Wars: The Force Awakens, he could not find an actress to play Rey. The director decided to give Carrie Fisher’s daughter Billie Lourd a call to see if she was interested in acting. Something she tells Ellen DeGeneres on her talk show that her mom and father, talent agent Bryan Lourd, did not want her to do.

She did not get that part that eventually went to Daisy Ridley, but she did land a smaller role in the film. When she came back from shooting her scenes, she told her mom how comfortable she was acting. That was when Princess Leia told her kid, if you are comfortable in one of the most uncomfortable environments, then you should act. Shortly afterwards, she had dinner with Ryan Murphy that she was acting, and a week later she was filming Scream Queens. The rest is Hollywood history.

She might have gotten her acting genes from her grandmother Debbie Reynolds and her mom, but she got the call from Abrams that changed her life.


Keri Russell talks about that Felicity haircut
July 10th, 2017 under JJ Abrams, Keri Russell. [ Comments: none ]

There have been several iconic, must-see moments on television like the birth of Little Ricky on I Love Lucy, the death of Chuckles the Clown on The Mary Tyler Moore Show, Who Shot JR on Dallas, the series finale of M*A*S*H, Luke and Laura’s wedding on General Hospital and the day Felicity cut off her hair.

Even though it has been almost 18 years since Keri Russell cut her for the WB drama people are still talking about it. The actress recently sat down with W Magazine and they asked her about it. She shared with them how it came about, “J.J. called me over the summer. We had shot the first season of Felicity and then he said, ‘You know we’re coming with the storylines for next year and we have this idea that the boyfriend breaks up with you and then like college girls go, you would go and cut your hair because of this big breakup. Would you be willing to do that?’ I said, ‘Yeah of course.'”

What she did not expect was the crazy backlash she got when she cut off her curls into a very short do. She said that, “Strangers did come up to me on the street and say things like, ‘You were so pretty before you cut your hair.'” While others told her they liked it. She on the other hand loved her “awkward” cut because she had a friend at NYU who did the same thing when her boyfriend dumped her.

She did not realize that there were consequences with going short when you have curly locks. She told the mag, “It just kind of grew out and was bad. I looked like a Chia Pet for a good few years. And then it was fine.”

Are you over her cutting her hair for the show? I know I am not, but then again I have a curly hair down to my butt so I am biased.


J.J. Abrams shares what it is like to watch a Horror movie with Stephen King
March 17th, 2017 under JJ Abrams, Stephen King. [ Comments: none ]
Stephen King is the Horror King, who has given us nightmares for months. While we know he scares the sh!t out of us, do Horror movies scare the sh!t out him?

J.J Abrams, who is working with King on Castle Rock for Hulu with the legendary author, told Jimmy Fallon on The Tonight Show that he went to see the Horror movie The Descent with him back in 2005 while he was working on Lost. What was that experience like? Abrams said, “We go to see this movie and in this theater, in Maine, with Stephen King, sitting next to Stephen King, and watching a Horror movie. Which is a dream in life?” Then he continued on with the story, “Every time someone was really horribly killed, he would go, ‘That’s awesome!’ He loved it.” Then he summed it all up by saying, “It was everything going to a horror movie with Stephen King should be.”

And now we know why his books are as horrific as they are, it is because he loves it. He craves it. He thinks it is awesome! Which is just how you want to be because you can’t come up with some of the stuff that he has come up with without being like that.

When it comes to what he is like when he goes to see a Horror movie, I do that too. But unlike him, I get kicked out of the movie theater for laughing too hard at most of the death scenes. It is also why my friends won’t go see them with me anymore. I am sorry, but a good slasher movie it a comedy.


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