Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jerry O’Connell/Rebecca Romijn
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Caption Jerry O’Connell!
October 11th, 2021 under Caption the Celeb, Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn. [ Comments: none ]

Sonja Flemming/CBS

This photo of Jerry O’Connell from today’s The Talk has Caption Me written all over it, so go ahead and do it.


Is Rebecca Romijn trying to become a widow?
August 12th, 2021 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn. [ Comments: none ]

Rebecca Romijn was driving home in her car, and she saw her husband taking his daily walk on their driveway while listening to some music. Since he was in the way and couldn’t hear her, she decided to let him know she was there. So she beeped her horn, nearly giving Jerry O’Connell a heart attack.

At least she was already in the car, so that she could’ve given him a ride to the hospital if he needed it. Luckily, he didn’t. But he should consider wearing brown shorts, instead of pink ones in the future. As a disgraced comedian once said, “First you say. Then you do it.”

Oh, and if I were Lifetime, I would give them one of those types of movies where the wife gets away with murder. I don’t think they are a Hallmark movie couple anymore.

But they are one of the best ones in Hollywood. They are all The Talk…


John Corbett reveals that he secretly married his 10
August 4th, 2021 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn, Talk Shows, Weddings. [ Comments: none ]

John Corbett was on The Talk today, and he had a big secret to share with his buddy Jerry O’Connell and the other hosts. His sex in the city days with other women are over.

“Jerry, I can’t believe that I forgot to tell you that around Christmas time we got married. Bo [Derek] and I got married,” he said. “You know, we’re pretty private people. We didn’t make an announcement. All our friends and family knew but, this is the first time either one of us has said anything publicly about it because really we haven’t had an opportunity. So, you’re my buddy, and now I guess I’m telling all of America or the world. After 20 years, we decided to get married. We didn’t want 2020 to be that thing that everybody looks back at and hated…let’s get one nice this out of it.”

That is such a beautiful reason to get married. May their marriage only be filled with hope and good times for the rest of their long lives. You can already tell that the first seven months are full of happiness because he was beaming with joy as he shared the news.


Mariah Carey broke Jerry O’Connell’s heart on the Heartbreaker music video set
August 3rd, 2021 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn, Mariah Carey. [ Comments: none ]

Back in 1999, Jerry O’Connell got a phone call to be in Mariah Carey’s music video Heartbreaker the day before it filmed. Today, on The Talk, he told his co-hosts what happened when he tried to have a sweet, sweet fantasy with her and asked for her phone number.

“Full disclosure, I did shoot my shot with Mariah. I tried to get digits. It did not work out,” he said. “She’s a very nice girl. She let me down easily and softly, but that was not going to happen.”

In the long run, it worked out for both of them. They both went on to meet their spouses and have twins with them. Of course, only one of them is still married, and the other remains a heartbreaker.


Who knew Pictionary is so naughty?
July 19th, 2021 under Jerry O'Connell/Rebecca Romijn. [ Comments: none ]

Pictionary is back on daytime television with Jerry O’Connell as a host this summer. However, I am not sure it is safe to air the game show during that time of the day.

Why? Look at the drawing above. I am assuming it is for salt and pepper shakers. But to me, it looks like a really good date.

You can see what other G-Rated drawings become NC17 weekdays on Fox affiliates.


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