Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jennifer Love Hewitt
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Do you see the stars in Jennifer Love Hewitt’s eyes?
March 7th, 2013 under Jennifer Love Hewitt. [ Comments: none ]

On Sunday at 10p Jennifer Love Hewitt’s show The Client List will be back and yesterday she Tweeted a picture of one of the costumes she will be wearing on the Lifetime show. Riley will be dressing up as a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader to make a client happy. I am sure many people will tune in to see this episode and what else she will be wearing throughout the season, and I think that will make them excited about the show.
When it comes to headline, I know exactly which eyes you were looking at!!! Bad boy!


Jennifer Love Hewitt dances in her underwear!
February 5th, 2013 under Jennifer Love Hewitt. [ Comments: none ]

On March 10th The Client List is going to be back on Lifetime and Jennifer Love Hewitt’s has a new ad for the show that’s definitely a way to get men to watch. The happy endings masseuse stripped down to just her underwear and danced around like a stripper. If that doesn’t get the boys to watch the W.O.M.A.N then I don’t know what will.
You know they say sex sells and as my friend calls her “Jennifer Love Hugetits” is definitely selling like her character does!


Jennifer Love Hewitt Vajazzles Conan O’Brien
June 7th, 2012 under Conan O'Brien, Jennifer Love Hewitt. [ Comments: none ]

Jennifer Love Hewitt was on Conan yesterday at the TBS late night host asked her about Vajazzaling. She then went on to describe it and how sassy it makes her feel to wear the crystals down there. Then she took out a packet of the jewels and asked Conan O’Brien if he wanted to be put on her Client List. Like he is going to say no? So she put it on him but it just didn’t do anything for him. So she took it off and put her on her boob. I am sure if she then asked him again, he would like totally say yes and understand why she loves to do it.
Well as their discussion came to end Andy Richter and him said they are going to Pejazzle themselves for a whole week. Then he added, “When we walk it is going to sound like champagne glasses, toasting. Clink, clink, cling.” What a freaking visual. Do you get why it would make that sound?
BTW make sure to watch that video all the way through because the sidekick’s reaction about it, towards the end had me laughing so hard, a few crystals popped off of my vajayjay.


Jennifer Love Hewitt adds more names to her Client List
May 7th, 2012 under Jennifer Love Hewitt. [ Comments: none ]

The Client List is as hot as how Jennifer Love Hewitt looks in it, so what I am about to tell you will come as no surprise. Lifetime announced today that they are bringing the show back for a second season. Love and her skimpy outfits will be back next year with 15 episodes to give you boys fever.
So are you excited for this show to come back? I know I am.


Adam Levine rejects Jennifer Love Hewitt
April 27th, 2012 under Adam Levine, Ellen DeGeneres, Jennifer Love Hewitt, The Voice. [ Comments: none ]

Jennifer Love Hewitt was recently on Ellen and she told the daytime talk show host that she has a crush on Adam Levine. Well yesterday The Voice coach was on the show and Ellen DeGeneres asked him if he wanted to be on her Client List and he politely was like no. He said she is a beautiful woman, but for now he is cool being single.
BTW he might need a girlfriend soon because he told Ellen that he is afraid or horror movies and if he wants to watch himself on American Horror Story, he is going to need someone to hold. And it is definitely not going to be the person she brought on to scare him.

UPDATE: Jennifer Love Hewitt responded to Adam Levine comments on Twitter and said, “The moment when you make a comment about something or someone and the world makes you feel like a total fool.#keepcrushesquiet” He is the fool, not her. Her comments on Ellen were so sweet that he made a huge mistake by making her feel like a fool.


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