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Family Law and Moonshine make you want to stay in on Fridays
July 7th, 2023 under Jennifer Finnigan, The CW. [ Comments: none ]

I know people are upset that The CW is importing shows from other countries. But I love the Canadian imports.

Tonight at 8p, we get the second season premiere of Family Law, and then at 9p, get ready for the series premiere of Moonshine.

Family Law starts off shortly after the season finale, and Abby (Jewel Staite) is still trying to remain sober. Something that got harder to do after she saw her estranged husband with another woman. Is her marriage over?

Her sister Lucy’s (Genelle Williams) relationship is over. So she moves in with Abby and her mom, Joanne (Lauren Holly), because she has nowhere else to go. How will Joanne react to having her ex-husband’s (Victor Garber) mistress’ daughter staying with her?

It is not all bad for the half-siblings. Daniel (Zach Smadu) is excited that he is finally a partner in his dad’s firm. Too bad he is the only one.

However, they don’t have a lot of time to focus on their personal lives because there is work that needs to be done. A woman comes into the firm, convinced that her late husband is still alive. What happens when they find that he is alive and living a new life with another woman? He claims he doesn’t remember his past life. But is he lying? That is what the siblings are going to have to find out.

They might’ve grown up in different households and didn’t know each other. But together, they are a great team.

And because of that, Family Law is an enjoyable show. I am going to say it, and I am not being unpatriotic, but Canada does better legal and medical dramas than the US. There I said it!

Then at 9p, get ready to meet the Finley-Cullen clan on Moonshine.

Lidia grew up in the quiet Nova Scotian town of Moonshine. However, she moved away for college and never came back.

However, she is going home because her aunt died. So she is bringing her husband (real-life hubby Jonathan Silverman) and their kids, Finn (Calem MacDonald) and Elanor (Celia Owen), with her. There are a lot of reasons why she left, and her dysfunctional family is a big reason.

Her parents, Ken (Peter MacNeill) and Bea (Corrine Koslo) run a bed and breakfast. They are getting older, and Bea is not in the best of health. Ken is ready to slow down, but Bea isn’t.

Will things change during the will reading when everyone finds out Lidia was left 43% of the shares?

She is thinking of giving her troubled siblings her shares. But then something happens, and she decides to stay back in Moonshine.

What she doesn’t know could hurt her? Her siblings are in more trouble than she could ever imagine. They don’t think she should have any part of the business and will destroy her to get what they want. And then there are all these mysteries going on that she doesn’t know about.

More importantly, we don’t know about. So that is going to keep us tuning in to find out what they are and how it will affect this family.


Jennifer Finnigan has legs for days!
May 4th, 2023 under Jennifer Finnigan. [ Comments: none ]

Jennifer Finnigan and her husband, Jonathan Silverman, went on a date night. And if you are going on a date night without your child, then you are going to want to look sexy! And that is exactly what the actress did in a dress with a short skirt! That little dress showed off her long legs, and I am sure her husband and all the men that night were longing for her. Who knows, maybe they made baby #2?


Jennifer Finnigan tests positive for COVID-19 while on vacation in Mexico
January 14th, 2022 under Coronavirus, Jennifer Finnigan. [ Comments: none ]

Jennifer Finnigan and her husband, Jonathan Silverman, finally got to take a long-needed vacation to Mexico. It started off amazingly, but then it took a turn for the worst.

First, their dear friend Bob Saget passed away suddenly. Then the actress tested posted for COVID-19, while her husband didn’t. To make matters even worse for the couple, their nanny quit unexpectantly, so Silverman had to fly back to LA, leaving his wife all alone in another country while she was sick. And since she is stuck in Mexico, she will have to miss Saget’s funeral.

Here is something positive for the actress; at least it isn’t hurricane season. That and she still looks beautiful with all of this going on.

Hopefully, she will be better soon and reunited with her husband and daughter, Ella Jack.


Weekend at Bernie’s 3?
January 22nd, 2021 under Andrew McCarthy, Jennifer Finnigan. [ Comments: none ]

There have been hundreds of memes dedicated to grumpy, cold Senator Bernie Sanders at President Joe Biden’s inauguration. However, the one that Bob Saget created for his friend Jonathan Silverman is the best one of them all.

It is Bernie playing Bernie in Weekend at Bernie’s. Nothing can top that. Therefore, Saturday Night Live, do your magic. Since Andrew McCarthy and Silverman are both working on NBC Good Girls on the Universal Lot in LA, you can have them film a Weekend at Bernie’s 3 bit. It is what America needs, and you can make it happen. Please! Pretty, please!


Salvtion does not get salvation from CBS
November 20th, 2018 under Jennifer Finnigan. [ Comments: none ]

Salvation was a show about an ice age causing asteroid pummeling towards Earth. At least that is how it was pitched. After a few episodes, it turned in an international political drama. By the time they got into the second season, it had become unwatchable. At least for me. And the millions of others who tuned out.

The ratings were a bigger disaster than the one they were facing. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Variety reports it was canceled.

Now we will never if the asteroid turned out to be aliens visiting us. Yeah, that is how the show ended. And they wonder why they won’t be back for another season.

Dear CBS, please stop doing Sci-Fi shows in the summer, you always mess them up. See Under the Dome, Extant, Zoo and now Salvation.


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