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Passengers proves A-Listers won’t get people into the seats
September 20th, 2016 under Chris Pratt, Hunger Games. [ Comments: 1 ]

I love Jennifer Lawrence and Chris Pratt, but Passengers looks just awful. Who wants to watch two people, no matter how likable they are, trapped on a spaceship about to explode. At least, I can’t see people wanting to spend their Christmas seeing it. Maybe they would watch it on a Saturday night on Syfy, but not spending $15 on it.
Do you think looks out of this World?


Jennifer Lawrence embarrassed herself in front of Harrison Ford & J.J. Abrams
May 16th, 2016 under Graham Norton, Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence. [ Comments: none ]

Jennifer Lawrence was hanging out with some friends and she noticed that Harrison Ford and J.J. Abrams were also there. So she told Graham Norton that she went over to their table to say hi to them and shook her tatas in front of her. Only thing is they looked at her weirdly. Why? They didn’t know who she was? Guess with the two of them being so heavily involved in their franchises Star Trek, Star Wars and Indiana Jones, they had no time to check out The Hunger Games. I think they are two of the only people in Hollywood who don’t know who she is.


What is Jennifer Lawrence doing to Josh Hutcherson?
November 18th, 2015 under Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence. [ Comments: none ]

The cast of Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 were on Good Morning America today and not all of them were camera ready. When Jennifer Lawrence saw a hair out of place on Josh Hutcherson’s face, she went all Katniss on it. As in she kept pulling on it until it was all hers. What did she do when it was in her possession? She made a wish as she blew on it. What was her wish? A woman can never tell, but I am sure she was hoping that the final Hunger Games movie kicks a$$ this weekend at the Box Office.


The Hunger Games wants to see you next Tuesday!
August 17th, 2015 under Hunger Games. [ Comments: none ]

It is about 100 days until The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 comes out, and they have a secret message for us. C if U can see it. It took me some time, but then I finally saw it. It’s almost as bad as the penises on the Disney posters. Actually in ways it is worse because they spell it out for you.


Conan O’Brien puts Jennifer Lawrence’s potty mouth to good use!
July 10th, 2015 under Conan O'Brien, Hunger Games, Jennifer Lawrence. [ Comments: none ]

We all know that Jennifer Lawrence has a dirty mouth and Conan O’Brien found a way to use it for good. The TBS late night host took out a swear jar and offered to put in a $100 bill every time she swore in :30 seconds and donate the money to charity. Then he said whatever was in the jar, he would double it.
The Hunger Games star was hungry to help her charity, so off she went. All we heard was bleep, bleep and bleep and her charity saw a lot of dinero. Too bad we could only hear the sh!ts because it sounds like we could’ve learned a thing or two by Conan’s face.
Believe it or not, she didn’t only curse on the show, she sang Cher’s Believe. If you watch the video on Chrome, you will get a really cool experience.
Before you hit play, mark your calendars because tonight at 11p Conan will be interviewing the casts of The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones from San Diego Comic-Con. Tomorrow he will interview a special cast to be announced, but they won’t reveal who it is. I am betting is Batman vs Superman, but maybe it will be another hit movie franchise’s cast or one that belongs to a popular TV show.


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