Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Henry Winkler
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Someone actually asked Henry Winkler if he’s done the Winkler?
July 3rd, 2014 under Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler is the nicest guy in Hollywood, so I was shocked that a TMZ photographer actually asked him if he has ever done the Urban Dictionary version of the Winkler. What is the Winkler? It is, “A non-verbal form of communication used by men and women to initiate a hook-up and/or long-term relationship. The winkler consists of unzipping one’s pants and waving one’s penis at women until one of the women winks at the man doing the winkler thus confirming the hook-up.” As if he ever would. He’s too nice to do that and too nice to be asked about it.
So what happened is, at first the chat started off normally and the guy asked him if he knew what his surname, Winkler, means. The Fonz did not, but the photog did. Then after he explained what his last name means in an Ancestory book, the guy then told him what it means on Winkler was horrified, and yet remained polite as they crossed the street together. Then when the photog continued on with the questioning, Arthur Fonzarelli politely told him “I’m going now.” Finally ending their conversation in a way that proves why he’s the nicest guy in Hollywood by saying, “And I’m very happy to chat with you.” Seriously, how can you not love him? Most celebrities would’ve ended their conversation with I’m going now, but he ended it by telling the guy he was happy to talk to him. What a genuinely nice person he is. So much so, I just want to hug him through the computer. Don’t you want to do the same?
Not only because he is so nice, but you just want to comfort him after that line of questioning. Plus, it’s not like the Winkler is referring to him as the Tony Danza is referring to the Who’s the Boss star? Has anyone asked the Taxi star about that?


Ayyyyy! Henry Winkler’s groovy new look!
June 18th, 2014 under Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler\ went from a ’50s cool guy to a far out ’60s dude. So why is papa a rolling stone? It is for an upcoming episode of Children’s Hospital. Even though I am used to seeing the nicest guy in Hollywood as The Fonz, I like him just as much looking like Keith Richards!
What do you think of his new style? Do you think it deserves a thumbs up or a sit on it?


Even Clue-Boom couldn’t cause The Fonz to lose his cool!!!
January 27th, 2014 under Henry Winkler, NBC. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler is going to be on Hollywood Game Night on NBC tonight starting at 8p and he plays Clue-Boom against his TV son from Royal Pains, Mark Feuerstein. The game is a fast paced one, where the person up front has to get their teammates to guess the word they are describing. Once their teammates guess the word, they pass the bowl of clues to their opponent who passes back to them when they are done and so on. The reason why it is so fast paced is because there is timer counting down and whoever has the bowl of clues when the clock hits zero, gets Clue-Boomed. Which is basically that bowl of confetti blowing up in your face. Doesn’t sound that bad, right? Well as someone who has been Clue-Boomed, it seriously scares the crap out of you. So did the coolest guy in the ’70s keep his cool tonight? You will just have the watch the best game show on television starting at 8p to find out.


BTWF roles: Henry Winkler in Rhoda
June 12th, 2013 under Before They Were Famous, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 3:22)

Before Henry Winkler had a way with the ladies on Happy Days, he didn’t with Rhoda. How cute was the 82 year old in that 1974 episode.


Henry Winkler likes to say the word f*ck!!!
October 10th, 2012 under Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler was a guest on Howard Stern’s Sirius XM show today and the shock jock asked The Fonz if he ever curses in his personal life. The nicest guy in Hollywood without any hesitation said, “I love to say the word f*ck!” Ayyyy! Consider my mind blown. I can’t imagine him using that word because he is just so gosh darn swell. But now that I know he cusses, I find him even more attractive. I just love that he is so naughty and so nice!
BTW I am extremely upset that the f*ck was bleeped out because I would love to hear him say the word as is. I would just have to Sit On It. Yeah, I don’t know what that means either.


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