Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Henry Winkler
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Ayyy it’s Henry Winkler and The Fonz!
March 1st, 2011 under Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler was in Milwaukee and he met up with his statue based on The Fonz! Instead of sitting on it, he stood next to his Happy Days likeness and now I am having a happy day!
Actually I have been happy days since the nicest guy in Hollywood Henry Winkler joined Twitter! Just like Fonzie, I think him being on it is so cool!!!


Henry Winkler is the dad of Royal Pains!!!
February 6th, 2010 under Henry Winkler, USA Network. [ Comments: none ]

The nicest guy in Hollywood Henry Winkler is joining USA’s Royal Pains as Hank and Evan’s dad and I can’t think of a better actor to play him! According to USA, “Eddie arrives unannounced in the Hamptons, determined to reinsert himself into his sons’ lives and make up for lost time. But his motives are unclear at best. He will have a considerable impact on HankMed, as Hank and Evan grow divided over whether family reunions are always something to celebrate.” To me having Henry Winkler back on TV is always reason to celebrate! I can’t wait to see him on Royal Pains when the show comes back for a second season later this year.


Henry Winkler’s scary Halloween tips!
October 27th, 2009 under Craig Ferguson, Halloween, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

Henry Winkler was on the Late Late Show last night and he gave Craig Ferguson some tips how you can make your Halloween parties even scarier, but something they learned about each other from a past Halloween party was scarier than any tip he could’ve given him.
I say this everytime that either Henry Winkler or Betty White are on the Late Late Show, but I just love when they are on because they are just so funny with Craig. Tonight on CBS at 12:35a Craig gets funny with Alicia Silverstone!


Henry Winkler’s Ayyy-1 money tips!
May 12th, 2009 under Craig Ferguson, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

The nicest man in Hollywood Henry Winkler did yet another kind thing, when he shared with Craig Ferguson how we can all save money in these tough economic times!
Who ever thought we would hear The Fonz say stripper pole? I am sure a lot of Happy Days’ Programming & Standards employees didn’t. But thankfully CBS’s The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson allowed those words to come out of Henry Winkler’s mouth into the new millennium!!!
BTW I love when Ferguson brings true TV legends like Henry Winkler and Betty White on to his show to do these bits! I wish younger actors would learn from them what comedic timing and playing with the late-night host is all about. It is a true art form that those two have perfected!


BTWF roles: Henry Winkler on The Bob Newhart Show
April 14th, 2009 under Before They Were Famous, Bob Newhart, Henry Winkler. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 10:22 in)
Before Henry Winkler was The Fonz, he was one of Dr Bob Hartley’s patients on The Bob Newhart Show! How perfect was the 28 year old actor in that 1974 episode and how sexy does he look in suit!
Henry Winkler is sincerely the nicest guy in Hollywood and no matter what role he plays he always steals the show with his great acting!


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