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Is Brendan Fraser going through some hard times?
November 24th, 2010 under Brendan Fraser, Hard times. [ Comments: none ]

The normally dapper Brendan Fraser was looking anything but, so I had to wonder if he had hit some hard times because you know his last few movies haven’t done so well. Nope turns out that he just doing a Broadway Show called Elling and that is costume for the play.


Have hard times hit Michael Urie?
August 27th, 2010 under Hard times, Ugly Betty. [ Comments: none ]

Ugly Betty was cancelled last season and that left Michael Urie without a television show to do. So I was wondering what would he do next? Well looking at this picture he Tweeted yesterday, I have to wonder if he has hit some hard times and had to take a job as a limo driver. Since all he Tweeted with the picture is “Where to? “, we have to assume the answer is yes. But I am sure that look is just for a role in a movie and he is still a working actor and not a driver!


Is 90210’s Ryan Eggold going through hard times?
January 26th, 2010 under Beverly Hills 90210 / Melrose Place, Hard times. [ Comments: 1 ]

Pacific Coast News Online
Is Ryan Eggold going through some hard times? No, but it looks like his character Ryan Matthews will on The CW’s 90210. I wonder what happens to his character that he winds up eating food out of the trash? I can’t wait to get the Dirt on that storyline!!!


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