Gabriel Iglesias took to social media yesterday, on his 45th birthday, to tell his fans that he has to cancel his upcoming shows for the foreseeable future. The reason is, is that he tested positive for COVID-19.
“I’ve been vaccinated, and I give credit to that for getting me through this as quickly as it did,” the comedian said.
So what are the symptoms he says he has, “some body aches, some chills, clearly COVID did something to my eyebrows.” It didn’t take away his sense of humor. But it did take away two of his other senses. That means he can’t taste or smell the cake he got for his birthday, but he is happy he got the cake.
He plans to restart his standup tour after he gets three negative tests for coronavirus.
Get well soon, Fluffy. Your comedy needs to be seen by as many people as possible. If you have never seen him on the stage, watch his specials on Netflix and Tubi. They made me laugh out loud.
Let his diagnosis be a warning to all of us that we can’t let our guard down just yet. Just because you are vaccinated does not mean you won’t get it. It just means you won’t get as sick. If only we could convince the people who didn’t get the vaccine to get it. That would really help matters.