Fergie kept her pregnancy boobs! |
October 28th, 2013 under Fergie. [ Comments: 5 ]

Even though Fergie had her son, Axl, almost two months ago, it looks like she hasn’t lost any of the weight she put on her boobs. Therefore, it makes sense why she dressed up as Elvira for Halloween. They are perfect to play the Mistress of the Dark.
BTW I think that the Mistress of the Black Eyed Peas should consider dying her hair black because it really works wonders on her.
Fergie and Josh Duhamel show off their incorporated kid! |
September 17th, 2013 under Fergie, Josh Duhamel. [ Comments: none ]

Josh Duhamel and Fergie’s son Axl Jack is just 18 days old and he is already ready for his closeup. His proud parents shared two pictures of him from the first two days of his life on Instagram and Facebook.
So why give it away for free? A simple hastag from the actor explains it, “#paparazziyoucanleaveourhousenow” I guess you can say that they are looking for their own safe haven.
BTW who do you think he looks like? I think he has his dad’s lips and his mother’s eyes. Although it is hard to tell on the latter because they are shut. Either way, he is a lovely baby lump.
Josh Duhamel should get the Oscar for playing The Man with a 132lb Scrotum! |
August 14th, 2013 under DIscovery Networks/Discovery+, Fergie, Jimmy Kimmel, Josh Duhamel. [ Comments: 2 ]
Josh Duhamel has pretty much only done action flicks and romantic comedies, but now he has the balls to go for the those hard-hitting Oscar winning roles.
Yesterday on Jimmy Kimmel Live we got a sneak peek of his next big role and you are going to want to see The Man with a 132lb Scrotum when it comes out. It is a side of the expectant father we have not seen before, and it will make you cry as he experiences what Wesley Warren Jr. really went through on a daily basis. You will watch Duhamel struggle with having the stares focus on his crotch for once, instead of his gorgeous face. You will see him being bullied by a little boy who will kick him right in his humongous nut sack, and yet he finds the courage and the cojones to get up and try to save a baby from a burning building. It really breaks my heart what he endured for this role and I really hope we hear his acceptance speech for this part at the Oscars this year. I can’t think of any one who is more worthy of the honor, can you?
Seriously this bit was written by someone, who I assuming, did not see the TLC documentary The Man with a 132lb Scrotum that airs Monday at 9p. Now even though that writer might not have seen the special, they actually recreated parts of it in this mockumentary. So if that gives you any hint how powerful both the bit and the documentary really are, it should tell you to watch both starting with the video above right now.
Josh Duhamel is looking bigger down there these days! |
August 13th, 2013 under Fergie, Josh Duhamel. [ Comments: 2 ]

Josh Duhamel Tweeted the above picture and I couldn’t help but notice that his balls are looking a lot bigger now. So is the sperm backing up because he probably isn’t having sex with his very pregnant wife, Fergie? Nope, it is just a bit for Jimmy Kimmel Live!
I am assuming the ABC late night show is referencing the TLC special The Man with the 132-lb Scrotum that is airing this Monday at 9p. Let me tell you Wesley Warren Jr’s story will really intrigue you.
If you want to see video that goes with this picture, then click here.
Fergie has a lovely baby bump to sing about! |
February 18th, 2013 under Fergie. [ Comments: none ]

Fergie and her husband Josh Duhamel Tweeted, “Josh & Me & BABY makes three!!! #mylovelybabybump” along with a picture of them together as kids! So if their baby looks like the two of them combined, it is going to be the cutest baby out there when it is out her.
No word when she is due, but I am sure all of that will be revealed when he does press for Safe Haven overseas. I bet every reporter that asked him about it when he was doing press for the movie thus far are pissed that he denied it at the time. And I have to say I respect them so much for breaking it on their own terms.
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