In case you hadn’t heard, Travis Barker and Kourtney Kardashian got married over the weekend in Italy. Several people flew to attend their nuptials, and they were expecting to be wined and dined.
They were wined, but they were not dined. So the guests whined about the forkful of spaghetti that they were served at the reception.
Well, as soon as Popeyes saw that, a lightbulb went off! So, the fast food restaurant decided to get into the wedding business for Hollywood stars and posted a photo of one chicken nugget on a plate and wrote, “Catering at celebrity weddings be like.”
And that is why they have the best fried chicken sandwich in the biz. And soon they will have the best catering business in showbiz.
I hope the other fast food giants do this too. White Castle, the ball is in your court first.
Dolly Parton is such a fan of the Taco Bell Mexican Pizza that she is going to do a musical for them. Now, that the favorite item is back on the menu, she just had to have one.
Unlike Mariah Carey, the singer took a few bites and shows us yummy it is.
The biggest difference between Dolly eating one and us eating one is that she didn’t make a mess, while I always get Mexican Pizza guts all over the place. That is why she is Dolly Parton, and I am me.
It has not been the best of years financially for Adele, Her latest album did not do as well as her other ones, and her Las Vegas residency got cancelled at the last minute.
Therefore, you have to wonder how the singer is making money. Now, we know. She is working at McDonald’s. Well, at least that one time she went there with her boyfriend, Rich Paul. However, if this music thing doesn’t work out for her, she has a future asking if you want fries with that.
Everyone and their brother on Broadway would love to do a musical with Dolly Parton. However, it is Taco Bell who actually made it happen.
The singer announced this morning, “I’m making #MexicanPizzaTheMusical with @TacoBell #tacobellpartner”
Back in January, Miss Dolly talked about her love for the fast food giant and said that she wished that they would bring back the Mexican Pizza. As soon as the company heard that, they knew they needed to bring it back. So now they are, and they got the legendary musician to help them get the word out with a live TikTok musical on May 26th at 8p EST. Thus, you are going to want to make your calendars now because you don’t want to miss Taco Bell: The Musical.
Normally, I would tell her to break a leg. But in this case, I think we should be saying, “Hope you break wind!”